本页主题: [变体规则] 一个改动很小的扩展一6玩家变体 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

杀人游戏MVP勋章I 杀人游戏MVP勋章II
级别: 管理员

精华: 52
发帖: 17391
威望: 8729 点
金钱: 7064 静电币
支持度: 20101 点

 [变体规则] 一个改动很小的扩展一6玩家变体

这个变体规则见于 mikeb.modernimaginationweb.com


  1. 拜拉席恩和葛雷乔伊的起始兵力为3步兵、2船,其他家族为2步兵、1骑士、1船。这让各家在地图上的起始兵力的征兵点数相等。

  2. 拜拉席恩和马泰尔交换御前会议的起始排名,以弥补拜拉席恩损失的1点战斗力(1个骑士被换成了步兵)。葛雷乔伊已经足够强大,不需要再给任何弥补。

  3. 史塔克、提利尔、兰尼斯特、马泰尔在他们的家族主城作战时,战斗力额外提升1点。

  4. 葛雷乔伊在铁民湾作战时战斗力额外提升1点,拜拉席恩在破船湾作战时战斗力额外提升1点。但他们在自家的岛屿上作战没有战斗力加成。

  5. 中立家族的战斗力各提升1点(鹰巢城升为7点、君临升为6点)。

Via: here
Posted: 2009-10-27 11:15 | [楼 主]
级别: 新手上路

精华: 0
发帖: 31
威望: 32 点
金钱: 311 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Posted: 2009-10-27 13:18 | 1 楼
级别: 新手上路

精华: 0
发帖: 31
威望: 32 点
金钱: 311 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Tactics cards

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- Each player secretly chooses one tactics card along with its orders.
- Each Tactics card remains valid until the next planning phase
- Players may select the same tactics card each turn if they so choose.
- "Immediate" abilities are used in turn order, as soon as Tactics cards are revealed
- "Ongoing" abilities are effective until the next planning phase

Tactics cards :
Careful Planning
Immediate: You may choose to either gain 2 Power or to spend 2 Power to choose another Tactics Card. You use the new Tactics Card in addition to Careful Planning.
Ongoing: You may use one additional special order (marked with a star) this turn.

Control Westeros
Ongoing: You gain an additional 2 strength to March orders against Cities or Strongholds.
Ongoing: You gain +1 to all of your bids during the next Westeros phase (the bids triggered by Clash of Kings, Claim Westeros, or Wildling Attack).

Hold Territory
Ongoing: You gain one Fortification Icon in battles where you have a Defense order present.
Ongoing: You gain 1 additional strength when defending in battle or 2 additional strength when defending a City or Stronghold.

Manage Troops
Immediate: You may move one or more units and Leaders from one area you control into an adjacent area you also control. If this leaves an area without any units, any orders assigned there are discarded. You may use Ship transport and movement arrows in conjunction with this ability.
Ongoing: After marching into an area that is not controlled by an opponent or a neutral force, you may immediately march into an adjacent area (or one connected by a movement arrow) that also is not controlled by an opponent or a neutral force. You may use Ship transport and movement arrows in conjunction with this ability. You may establish control of the first area you leave and the area you move through, and/or leave units behind in either area. This card then discarded and may be used again on a future turn.

Secure Hostages
Immediate: You may steal 2 Power for each hostage you hold from those hostages’ owners. (If you hold both of another player’s Leaders hostage, you steal 4 Power from that player.) The victim discards 2 or 4 his available power into the Power Pool (if able), and you take the number he discarded from your Power Pool.
Ongoing: When you attack an opponent and win, you may release one Leader from the loser’s holding cell. If the Leader belongs to you, it is placed in the area of the battle. If the Leader belongs to another player, it is placed in your holding cell.
Ongoing: When you execute a hostage (see “Swing the Sword,” page 12), you may choose to switch places with the hostage’s owner on any one Influence track. If this switch results in you taking the first position on an Influence track, you take the appropriate Influence token (the Iron Throne, the Valyrian Steel Blade, or the Messenger Raven).

Support Allies
Ongoing: When another player calls for support in a battle, you may give him +1 strength as if you were supporting him, regardless of whether you have units adjacent to the battle or not. This strength is added in the same fashion as if the army were being supported, and use of this card counts as a Support order for various other card effects.
Ongoing: Any time a Support order belonging to you is raided, you may spend 2 Power to replace it with a Support -1 order. Your opponent may not use the Raid +1 order to remove both your original Support order and the Support
-1 order that replaces it.

House-Specific Tactics Cards ain't gettin played in this game
Posted: 2009-10-28 12:03 | 2 楼
级别: 新手上路

精华: 0
发帖: 31
威望: 32 点
金钱: 311 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Control Westeros
Ongoing: You gain an additional 2 strength to March orders against Cities or Strongholds.
Ongoing: You gain +1 to all of your bids during the next Westeros phase (the bids triggered by Clash of Kings, Claim Westeros, or Wildling Attack).

Posted: 2009-10-28 12:07 | 3 楼
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