本页主题: 杀人游戏在西方的历史   [bbsriver译自“普林斯顿大学校友杀手兄弟会”主页] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

杀人游戏MVP勋章I 杀人游戏MVP勋章II
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 杀人游戏在西方的历史   [bbsriver译自“普林斯顿大学校友杀手兄弟会”主页]

History of the Game

Mafia was first played as a regular event here on September 24, 1998, by a group of people who learned the game from our President, Steve Phelps, on September 15, 1998.

The origins of the game are shrouded in a degree of mystery. Efforts are currently underway to probe the history of the game.

Before reading this history, you should acquaint yourself with the rules of the game.

A game called Murder has been played for many years. In Murder, one murderer is selected by the moderator, and can kill one person per night. There is a detective who plays the same role as the angel does in Mafia, namely to inquire about one player per night. Dimitry Davidoff (more about him anon) believes this game to have originated in England in the 1970's. It quite probably goes back much further, though.

We have received correspondence from Mr. Brian G. McCue, who states that he played the game "Murder" on 12/31/69 with a group of people who had definitely played "Murder" on 12/31/67, and possibly earlier. These games were played in Vermont.

Mr. Davidoff also recalls a Russian game called Ubiitca, which he translates as "Muderer." In Ubiitca, there is not night, and the lone murderer kills by "winking" at his victim during the day. The victim, seeing the wink, must say "ouch" and die. This version is played with and without a detective, although it is not absolutely clear what the role of the detective is in this game. Played with a night, this game is identical to Murder, except in small logistical details.

Mr. Davidoff claims to have invented the modern game of Mafia in 1986. He describes the main thrust of the game as "informed minority versus uniformed majority." In his Mafia, members of the Mafia see each other in a preliminary "night." Following this, accusations begin. Mafia members know who each other are, but civilians, in the majority, do not. Multiple convictions are allowed, and night falls whenever a majority vote for it to end. Secret Identities are also used, so that noone knows when a Mafia member has been killed. During night, everyone writes on a piece of paper-- civilians write "Honest" and Mafia members write the name of the person they want to kill. The papers are collected by a moderator or a democratically-elected leader. All Mafia must choose the same person in order for the murder to be accomplished. Effective Mafia must therefore signal during the day, secretly. Note that the number of papers not marked "Honest" is the sole indication of how many Mafia are left. There is no angel.

The difference between Murder and Davidoff's game is therefore that there are multiple murderers who work together. Kai Chan reports, however, that his mother played "Murder" with multiple murderers and inspectors (angels) in 1956-57, in England. Therefore, this innovation predates Mr. Davidoff's game. Mr. Davidoff may have invented the game independently, but it is clear that he is not the originator.

The next definite reference to the game is found in Hungary, where a group of players founded an organization in 1996. However, this page mentions that many players recognized the game played as a variant of other games. In the Hungarian rules, there is only one execution per day, but the Mafia still need blind unanimity during the night, although this is achieved in a different way. An inspector (detective/angel) has been added to the rules.

The game, it seems, has also caught on in Norway, where the inspector is given the name of a Mafia member every night. This game, according to Vegard Engstrom, was dervied from the game Kommisar Katania which was the name of a character in "La Piovra" (The Octopus), an Italian television series.

Andrew Plotkin changed the name to Werewolf and reports the same game under the name of Seduction. We have played it under the name of Academia, details forthcoming.

When the game was introduced to Princeton by Steve Phelps, it included and archangel as one of the standard characters. This variant, however, is not widely found, and, in fact, the archangel has fallen into disfavor here at Princeton, where it is now only used occasionally.

Many other variants listed on our rules page were invented by various persons here at Princeton, although we cannot guarantee that they have not bee used elsewhere. Georg Essl created the role of the Devil. Eric Adelizzi created the magistrate. Adrian Banner created the masons and Morten Koster invented the prostitute, both based on comments by Matt Hindman. Steven Miller created the bookie and the vigilante.

Emily Rosenzweig introduced the variant of dead men tell tales to Princeton, although she states that she did not originate this variant. The Bulletproof vest is basically Andrew Plotkin's wolfsbane suggestion.

The vigilante has found particular popularity amongst regular players here.

Posted: 2006-04-17 17:08 | [楼 主]
杀人游戏MVP勋章I 杀人游戏MVP勋章II
级别: 管理员

精华: 52
发帖: 17391
威望: 8729 点
金钱: 7064 静电币
支持度: 20201 点



    [*] 本文是普林斯顿大学官方网站对杀人游戏在欧美的流变的考证。考证很粗疏,也不专业。但是对这个游戏的骨灰玩家来说,了解一下这个游戏在西方的历史还是挺有意思的。从文中可知,这个游戏口头上的历史上溯到了1956-1957年,就是说,它至少已经流传了半个世纪了。

    [*] “Mafia Game”直译应该是“黑手党游戏”,国内一般叫做“杀人游戏”。本文翻译从俗。但是在这个文章中提到这个游戏的演变历史上曾经有过一个“Murder Game”,从字面上看这个名字被翻译成“杀人游戏”更贴切。为了不与“Mafia Game”搞混,只好把“Murder Game”翻译成“谋杀游戏”。


bbsriver 译自 www.princeton.edu/~mafia/history.htm

普林斯顿大学第一次正规的玩杀人游戏是在1998年9月24日,玩家们是在9月15日从Steve Phelps校长那里学到的规则。



很多年来,流传着一个叫“谋杀”的游戏。在“谋杀游戏”中,主持人秘密指定一个杀人犯,杀人犯每天晚上杀一个人。游戏里有一位侦探,相当于杀人游戏中的天使,每夜询问主持人某个玩家是不是杀人犯。Dimitry Davidoff(下文还会详细谈到他)认为七十年代的英国已经出现这个游戏了,但它的历史很可能上溯到更早的时候。

Brian G. McCue先生给我们来信说,1969年12月31日,他在佛蒙特州和一些人玩过“谋杀游戏”。而这些人早在1967年12月31日,甚至更早,就玩过这个游戏。



Davidoff的游戏和谋杀游戏的不同在于它是多个杀人犯同谋杀人。不过Kai Chan告诉我们,1956-1957年,他母亲在英国玩过带有多个杀手和多个巡警(天使)的谋杀游戏。可见早在Davidoff先生的游戏之前,多个杀人犯的创意就已经存在。Davidoff先生可能是独立的发明了他的游戏,但显而易见,他并不是这个游戏的创始人。


看起来挪威也在流行这个游戏。当地规则允许每夜告诉侦探一个杀手的名字。Vegard Engstrom说这个游戏来自“Kommisar Katania”游戏,“Kommisar Katania”是意大利电视系列片《La Piovra》(《章鱼》)中的一个人物。

“狼人”这个叫法是Andrew Plotkin起的,他还讲过一个相同的游戏,叫“诱惑”。我们也拿“学术界”为名玩过这个游戏,细节以后再讲。

当Steve Phelps把杀人游戏传到普林斯顿,“大天使”已经成为了游戏中的一个固定角色。虽然这个角色在其他规则版本中很少见。实际上大天使这个角色在普林斯顿并不招人待见,玩家只是偶尔玩玩这个角色。

我们主页的游戏规则后面列了很多演变版本。形形色色的普林斯顿人设计了这些规则。虽然我们不能保证它们是独创的。Georg Essl创造了恶魔这个角色,Eric Adelizzi创造了地方官,Adrian Banner创造了共济会员,Morten Koster在Matt Hindman的建议下设计出妓女。Steven Miller创造了赌徒和警卫。

Emily Rosenzweig把诈尸的规定介绍到普林斯顿,但她说她并不是这项规则的创始人。防弹衣则来自Andrew Plotkin对“狼毒”这个角色的建议。

Posted: 2006-04-18 10:55 | 1 楼
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