约瑟夫 |
2007-09-17 13:06 |
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am most happy to let you the that tournament has officially started. The effort that started a long time ago has paid. From my side, I started translating (from French) the hosting site one year ago, in order to get the bid from the people that imagined the event at first. Thank you again for trusting me.
Now for the details.
I had to divide the tournament in four sub tournaments. Three for the first round (Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw) and one for the second round (Gryffindor) . So your aim is to play in Gryffindor next year. [Note : the names of the games (from Harry Potter- you guessed) are : for Slytherin : special creatures; for Hufflepuff : teachers; for Ravenclaw : places; for Gryffindor : 7 most important pupils].
What I wanted was, of course, to separate as much as possible : USA teams, Australian teams, German speaking teams, French teams, and English mother tongue teams. All the rest was random. So :
Ravenclaw has Canada Italy USA2 (West/Pacific) France2 (Province) Austria Australia2 (Victoria) Romania Turkey
Hufflepuff has USA4 (Midwest/East North Central) France1 (Expatriate) UK South-Africa USA6 (North East/Middle Atlantic) Russia Germany2 (South) Sweden Slytherin has Brazil Australia1 (New South Wales) USA9 (South/South Atlantic) Germany1 (North) Ireland France3 (Paris) Argentina USA10 (restricted to Ohio) China
The best way to have an overall picture of a sub tournament is there ("Identities of tournament participants" from Tournament page) : Slytherin : http://www.stabbeur fou.org/EtatCivi lTournoi. php?nom=Slytheri n Hufflepuff : http://www.stabbeur fou.org/EtatCivi lTournoi. php?nom=Hufflepu ff Ravenclaw : http://www.stabbeur fou.org/EtatCivi lTournoi. php?nom=Ravencla w Of course, these page are always up to date.
The rating of the sub tournament is displayed and automatically updated as well on the main tournament pages (you will not miss it) The overall rating of the DNWC is not automatic (it might be later on - that is foof for further improvement hehe)
There are lots of features on the site, I suggest you explore and start understanding the whole picture. I am confindent since many people have started free games and there are fewer and fewer questions (and many of them are probably less clever than you are :-) ). I suggest you ask questions to your captain (or a guy in your team who was clever to try a free game) before asking me, and there is a Faq too : http://www.stabbeur fou.org/Faq. php?affiche=
There are also all the rules and stuff, at least someone in your team should pretend to have read them :-) http://www.stabbeur fou.org/Regles. php most important (this is a must) : http://www.stabbeur fou.org/docs/ regles/en/ DiplomacyNationa lWorldCup_ en.htm
A tiny note about myself : I am a legalist kind of person, so I will follow what is in the rule, I.e. the written thing in which it was said how I would do it. If there is a doubt, I will find some authority (committee ot council) to vote on the matter, and follow their decision. You must know that is the way I "work". Some of you have played a French speaking tournament (Interzines) with me on the site before and may well tell you.
The first deadlines will be spread from Monday 24 September to Friday 28 September (to have more time to help those which have a hard time).
Remember, this is also an opportunity to be curious about the hobby (or just the people) in other parts of the world, and it is best to do so *before* the stab :-)
So, I really hope you all enjoy all that as much as I enjoyed setting it.
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