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galilette 2006-11-16 09:43



郑大培 / Ta-Pei Cheng


徐一鸿 / Tony A. Zee





  再见幻想 | 在蜕变中湮灭出品
  作为非专业访者的我们 | H.O.L.M + dk + 未来的你?
  anti-© 创造共用协定 | 署名-非商业用途-保持一致 | 请在此框架内对其进行



郑大培 / Ta-Pei Cheng

  What I enjoy most doing in theoretical physics is the pleasure of seeing h
ow beautifully the universe are put together the aesthetics of physics. This i
s also why I enjoy writing books collecting items to show how a good theory ca
n bring so many disparate parts together. As it turns out, I also enjoy teachi
ng very much. I do it reasonably well because I find explaining things well to
be a real pleasure and because I do have the ability to empathize with the st
udents who are trying to learn.

徐一鸿 / Tony A. Zee

  When my family immigrated from Hong Kong to Brazil, my mother did not know
whether we would be able to attend school there. So she bought many books, on
e of which talks about physics, to bring with us. I was reading that book on t
he ship (back to then, it took 50 days to sail from Hong Kong to Brazil, while
today's young people only spend one day on such distance), and became interes
ted in physics.


  We have planned this Scientific Interview project for a long time. By this
project, we hope to give light to those young people who dream for science, a
s well as discuss the meaning of dreams and life, through conversations with p
eople living a relatively pure life. Anyway, schools are not only for teaching
skills (science might not possibly be learned successfully), but for saving y
oung people from struggling with making a living too early. The later is close
ly related to every young person. If we can continue this project, it will be
part of the magazine Goodbye Fantasy, with no planned timeframe. The overall m
agazine contains both Chinese and English contents, Chinese version warranted
but English version available only in certain circumstances. Following the con
vention of Goodbye Fantasy, we will try our best to keep all text copylefted,
so that they can be distributed as easily as possible.

  This issue contains interviews with two Chinese theoretical physicists in
the U.S. The selection of interviewees is based on the professional interest o
f the initiator of this project. However, another reason is that through theor
etical physics, we could always see the entire picture of science. For the pur
pose of comparison, we asked similar sets of questions. We avoided professiona
l questions as much as possible, to make these interviews beneficial to as man
y young people as possible. But at the same time, we also tried keep our inter
views science-oriented.

  Goodbye Fantasy | Produced by Annihilation in Decay
  We as unprofessional interviewer | H.O.L.M + dk + future you?
  anti-© Creative Commons Deed | Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


郑大培 / Ta-Pei Cheng


  ■ 你怎样看待“基本粒子标准模型”?

  □ “标准模型”是现今粒子物理的标准理论。它描述物质基本元素夸克和轻子之间的
相同的。一种具有“定域对称性”(或称 “规范对称性”)的理论,即使在我们对每一个



  ■ 什么是你(或者在你的眼光下的物理学家)对于“标准模型”的标准?我所说的标

  □ 就像前面我曾经说过的,我们(物理学家)把“标准”理解为一种原型、范例或者

景辐射各向异性以及星系的大尺度结构分布的研究, “宇宙学标准模型”所包含的不再仅


  ■ 作为一个物理学家,你怎样看待数学?

  □ 自然界的语言是数学,这一点应该是一个深刻的真理。试图理解自然的过程的一个

  ■ 从物理的角度,你怎样看待数学中的一些深刻定理(我的意思是诸如“哥德尔不完

  □ 物理真理在被多种多样的实验验证以前仅为暂时的,但是我总假设数学真理是更绝
是完全与 “真实”世界无关的——它们是完全无用途的玩具。但是在70年代和80年代初,

  ■ 在你的观点下,探索物理真理时我们为什么要依赖数学?或者是否因为数学其实等

  □ 当然是这样!物理学的任务即为寻找描述我们的物理世界的最简单的可能描述。一

  ■ 你怎样看待哲学?你认为哲学研究和物理研究能够帮助对方吗?

  □ 哲学有很多的侧面。但是,让我们把讨论的问题仅仅局限于科学哲学特别是物理哲

  ■ 从物理学家的视角,你怎样看待“自由意志”?

  □ 对于“物理学家视角下的意识和自由意志”,我并没有什么独到的观点。有一些物

  ■ 作为一个关注现代物理的理论物理学家,在过去的若干年里,你是否还接触过牛顿

  □ 你的意思是否是说,如果我们知道这个世界的基本理论是量子力学,我们为何仍然

F = ma 的重要性。事实上,我们也可以把它仅仅看作一个定义式(力只是对质量乘以加

  ■ 在你学习过量子场论这样的近现代理论物理课程之后,是否还时常回顾牛顿力学(

  □ 我认为牛顿力学和量子场论都是我们的物理知识中的一部分。但是,就像我在另一


切。我认为她 /他们的观点是错误的。当然,如果我们最终发现了粒子物理的大统一理论

  ■ 你认为物理学家的思维方式和其她/他是否有什么不同(我的意思是,所谓“物理

  □ 每一个领域都有其获得知识的特有方法。我相信存在“物理学家的思维方式”这种

  ■ 我们怎样判断在物理中什么是重要的而什么不重要?那么模型呢?

  □ 物理学的一个重要部分即为,我们对理论的某些关键的物理特征和基本形态有更直

  ■ 在我的定义中,“模型”就是那种我们忽略次要影响因素而保留主要因素的东西。

  □ 我们必须要作出判断。大体上,重要因素就是那些在其它因素之下、并且它的效力

  ■ 作为一个理论物理学家(我不知道这样的定义对你来说是否是恰当的),你怎样看

  □ 简单地说,如果没有实验的话便没有科学。

  ■ 你是否能够帮助我解释一下我的悖论?如果理论物理学家告诉实验物理学家什么实

  □ 一个人需要时刻提醒自己,科学是一种人类社会活动,并不是只向精英份子展示的

  ■ 为什么你会决定学习物理?为什么你会决定做一个理论物理学家而不是一个实验物

  □ 我个人并没有那样“崇高的”故事:当1960年代我在读本科时,物理恰好很火——




  ■ 你曾经说过你喜欢“收集不同的内容,以显示一个好的理论能把多少看似不相干的

  □ 我想这并不仅仅是一种偏好。这是我的工作和职业背后的驱动力。虽然我仅仅在物


  ■ 除了喜欢“看我们的宇宙以如此巧妙的方式被组合起来”,你认为美学是否还在其

  □ 你是否在问我美学对我生活的其它侧面是否重要?我想是这样的。我很喜欢那些把

  ■ 物理学对你生活的其它侧面是否重要?

  □ 对于我个人来说,这个问题的答案为否;我实在很难找出生活中的其它事情与物理

  ■ 你曾经觉得疲倦吗?你曾经觉得对你的研究很失望吗(如果曾经有过,那是因为什

  □ 当然我曾经觉得疲倦过,我也曾经对我的工作感到很失望。这是很正常的事情。但


  ■ 对于一个因为兴趣而跑去学习物理的年轻人,她/他怎样判断自己的兴趣是否能长

  □ 这是一个很难回答的问题,因为没有人可以预见未来。不过大体来说当一个人很小


  ■ 实验物理学家可能成为一个好的物理老师吗?

  □ 在我曾经的回答中,我把“教学”定义得过于狭隘了(我仅仅指在教室中的教学)



  ■ 你是否认为理论物理适合于任何一个有志向学习它的年轻人,无论她/他聪明与否

  □ 这个问题的答案依赖于一个人期望她/他的物理研究水平达到怎样的程度。如果她

  ■ 你曾经对我说“即使在美国,通常我们仍然很少见到女性粒子物理学家”。你是否

  □ 我至今为止并没有一个女性的博士研究生。不过其实我也并没有很多男性的研究生


  ■ 怎样的科学氛围对于青年学生探索科学是最适合的(我相信如现代中国这样每一个

  □ 我并不能太明白你的这个问题的含义。我希望我猜对了你真正希望问的,并尝试由


  ■ 我所指“安逸幸福”的生活即为在你的回答最后所提及的,因为“好的社会地位”

  □ 首先,我不确定是否老一辈比现今体制下的中国大陆学生获得了更好的教育。依我



  ■ 你说在中国教育制度中,“竞争”被过度强调了。但是老子告诉我们要知止(“知

  □ 本质上东方和西方所说的竞争在意义上是不同的。西方人的竞争倾向于不同个人之


  ■ 那么,你怎样定义“成功”(特别是一个物理学家或者科学家的成功)?

  □ 你问我怎么定义成功?每一个人都要被给予其特有的天赋和社会机会。每一个人,




  ■ 你怎样看待领导(我指,诸如你我都必须接触到的一个大的科学项目的领导,以及

  □ 领导无疑是很重要的,因为如果她/他的行为能影响很多的追随者,无论这件事是

的。在这里,我说的并不指那种独裁者,她 /他们在没有做任何高明的劝导之前就把自己

  ■ 你怎样看待一个作为人的领导,和一个作为规则的领导?那么从一个我们无法违抗

  □ 我想你的问题是问一个人对于已经建立起来的正教持怎样的观点:无论是一种认识


  ■ 如果我们把物理理论类比为一般的领导,物理真理(我指那些类似于终极真理的东

  □ 把物理定律看作领导?!这是一个有趣的类比——我从来没有想过这个问题,但是

  ■ 这是否意味着你并不相信终极理论?

  □ 如果你的意思是说物理学的终极理论,我确实相信它——关于这个称呼的资格我在


  ■ 你上次来中国是什么时候(我分别指中国大陆和台湾,如果你确实曾经去过的话)

  □ 我出生在上海,并且在那里截至我初中毕业。1956年,“百花齐放”时,我的姐姐
两个地方我知道的多些。我第一次回到中国大陆是1979 年底,那个时候中科院在从化(离

  ■ 你觉得是否有一些问题我们并没有涉及,但是事实上是很重要的?

  □ 你问了很多深入的问题,对我冗长落到的回答也很有耐心。请容许我最后再做几项






Ta-Pei Cheng / 郑大培

  Ta-Pei Cheng is a Chinese American particle physicist teaching at the Univ
ersity of Missouri, in the city of St Louis. He is the co/author of three theo
retical physics textbooks. The interviewer used to read his book Gauge theory
of elementary particle physics (with Professor Ling-Fong Li of Carnegie Mellon
University) when she studied gauge field theory last semester in Peking Unive
rsity. Today, Goodbye Fantasy interviewed him, and asked him something about p
hysics and society.

  ■ What do you think about the "Standard Model of Particle Physics"?

  □ "The Standard Model" is the fundamental theory of particle physics. It
describes the basic interactions of strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces a
mong matter which has the most basic elements being quarks and leptons. It is
formulated in the context of quantum field theory in general and "gauge field
theory" in particular. Namely, among all the possible quantum field theories,
there is a special class of theories having the property of being "locally sym
metric". A physics theory is said to possess a symmetry if under some definite
change (called a transformation) the laws of physics (namely, physics equatio
ns) are unchanged. For example, by "rotational symmetry", we mean that physics
equations are unchanged when written in different coordinate systems that are
related to each other by rotations. Rotation symmetry says that it does not m
atter whether you do an experiment facing north or facing southwest. After dis
counting any peculiar local conditions, we should discover the same physics la
ws in both directions. To have a "local symmetry", also called "gauge symmetry
", a theory is unchanged even if independent changes are made at every space a
nd time points. For example a local rotational change can mean that at one spa
cetime point A you can rotate the coordinate by 30 degrees around the z-axis,
while at point B, we change the coordinates by 45 degree around the x-axis. Na
mely, the amount of change is a local function of space and time (meaning diff
erent from point to point); yet the theory still remains the same under such f
antastically complicated changes. For historical reasons, such local symmetry
is also called gauge symmetry. Not surprisingly gauge symmetric theories have
very restrictive structure. In fact once the symmetry is specified, and quark-
lepton charges are given, everything else is fixed: in particular what possibl
e force acting between them follows inevitably. In this way physicists came up
with the fundamental theory of particle interactions, called "the Standard Mo

  The Standard model is composed two parts: (1) Weinberg, Salam and Glashow
theory for the weak and electromagnetic interactions; it involves the mechanis
m called"spontaneous symmetry breaking"(also called the Higgs mechanism). (2)
The gauge theory of strong interaction, called QCD (quantum chromodynamics).

  Why the name of "the Standard Model"? The word "standard" here means the p
rototype, the exemplar, or the representative type. Because within the framewo
rk of gauge field theory, one can still consider all sorts variations dependin
g the symmetry group one can pick, and on the different charges one can assign
for the quarks and leptons. The Weinberg-Salam-Glashow and QCD were among the
first and simplest version that is capable to describe the respective interac
tions. Hence, Steve Weinberg suggested that we call this the Standard Model --
- against which all other variations were to be compared with. This simplest v
ersion of the gauge theory turned out (as shown by experimental tests) to be t
he correct one. It had successfully passed thousands of experimental tests tha
t had been performed in the last thirty years. This fundamental theory of matt
er and interaction has remained to be called by this simple and modest name, T
he Standard Model.

  ■ What is your (or in your opinion the physicists') standard of "Standard
Model"? I mean, maybe "the Standard Model of Particle Physics", "the Standard
Model of Cosmology", and the standard model of everything someone of us call
it a standard model. For example, we may all agree that we cannot call Superst
ring Theory a standard Model nowadays.

  □ As I said in my last message, by "standard" we (physicists) meant "the
prototype", "the exemplar", or "the representative type". In other words, it's
just a polite way saying it is "the orthodox". It's polite because it does no
t want to say that other competing theories are heretics. But it does imply th
at this is an established system. Of course there is not a "high commission" s
omewhere that officially sanctifies such names. Like any language usage, it co
mes out naturally. When enough people agree with such expression it becomes th
e established practice.

  For example, only 5 or 6 years ago, by "the standard model of cosmology",
people only mean the cosmology of expanding universe based on Robertson-Walker
geometry. Inflationary theory of the big bang is still considered a speculati
ve description even though it has been intensively studied since 1980. Now wit
h the discovery of accelerating universe (using the high-redshift supernovae),
and the new observational results of the cosmic radiation anisotropy, as well
as the large surveys of galaxy distribution, this expression of "the standard
model of cosmology" has come to mean not only the expanding universe based on
Robertson-Walker geometry but also a big bang as described by inflationary th
eory. This epoch was then followed by a universe having a flat spacetime, with
matter/energy content dominated by dark energy (70%), dark matter (26%) and w
ith ordinary (baryonic) matter being no more than 4%. This is so because only
such a picture can be concordant with all the observational data. To most peop
le in this field, this picture has now gained the statue of being regarded as
the "standard", against which all other possibilities are to be measured.

  You are quite right no theory of quantum gravity has reached this stage of
development. Even though the superstring theory is the most mature one (compa
red, say, to "loop quantum gravity", or "twister theory", etc.), no one dares
to call it "the standard model of unification" yet. (No matter how some propon
ents believe in their hearts their theory is the standard theory.) Partly it's
because there is no convincing experimental evidence for superstring, partly
because the theory is still a work-in-progress, with crucial parts (such as it
s underlying principle) still misssing.

  ■ As a physicist, what do you think about mathematics?

  □ This is a profound truth that Nature's language is mathematics. A good
part of seeking a comprehension of Nature is to find its mathematical language
. For example, once we learnt that the proper mathematics for quantum mechanic
s is the complex vectors and operators in the Hilbert space, then all sorts of
connections tumble out: uncertainty relations, Schrodinger equation, etc. Thi
s language would lead us to many insights of Nature which at the first glance
seem rather strange, such as the entangled states (EPR paradox) that so mystif
ied Einstein.

  ■ What do you think about some profound theorem (I mean, for example, God
el's Incompleteness Theorems) in physics? And then, what do you think about th
e truth in physics and the truth in mathematics?

  □ While physics truth must always be tentative until checked by multiple
lays of experimentation, I suppose mathematical truth is more absolute because
it is a truth about a limited realm having been constructed by mathematicians
. As long as the proof is self-consistent, it is by definition true. Here I am
adopting a more limited viewpoint of mathematics as an artificially construct
ed "game". But many mathematicians would strongly disagree with this viewpoint
DISCOVER the mathematical truth. As times go by I become more inclined toward
s this second viewpoint -- with the realization that the truth in this univers
e stands for a larger set than the physical truth. Yes, one can discover mathe
matical truth that is not realized in the physical world. But such knowledge c
onstitutes parts of a greater truth about our universe. I am continually impre
ssed by the truth that mathematician can discover. They may discover something
at first sight being totally disconnected to the physical world. Yet over and
over again, physicists come to find that these new languages are just the one
s they need to describe Nature. Forty and fifty years ago when I and my fellow
students all said to ourselves that while the mathematics of calculus or even
non-Euclidean geometry had relevance for physics, the abstract math (of topol
ogy, algebraic geometry, etc) that the mathematicians were studying then was t
otally divorced from "reality" -- a totally useless games. But starting in the
70's and 80's, many branches of abstract mathematics were found to be connect
ed to physics again.

  ■ In your viewpoint, why we need mathematics in the search of physics? Or
it is isomorphic with all kind of logic?

  □ Absolutely! The task of physics is to find the simplest possible descri
ption of our physical universe. Again and again we have found that mathematics
is the language that can provide this simple description. Furthermore, mathem
atics as Nature's language allowed us to check such a description in detail, t
o give us confidence as to the correctness of this description. I believe that
the West's great discovery (of the relevance of math for physical description
) was a very important element that had brought the great-leap-forward of our
civilization a few hundred years ago.

  ■ What do you think about philosophy? Do you think philosophical study an
d physical study can help each other?

  □ There are many aspects in philosophy. But let's restrict ourselves to p
hilosophy of science, especially physics. Here I must say that I have not been
very impressed by what professional philosophers have to say. I have not come
across anything they have said that I felt it helped me to reach a deeper und
erstanding in this area. Sometimes I even feel that they were almost like para
sites. From what physicists have discovered, they just add many fancy talks wi
thout bring out any new insight. In fact philosophers are supposed to be the p
eople to bring out the essence of a subject. But in the case of modern physics
they only confuse things for me. Here again I want to emphasize that I am spe
aking of the philosophical discussion of modern physics. My negative comments
do not apply to other philosophical studies.

  ■ Do you like to say something about "freewill" in the viewpoint of a phy

  □ I have no particular insight with respect to "a physicist's viewpoint o
f conscienceness and freewill". There are physicists, such a Eugene Wigner, th
ought that this is new frontier for physics: one will need new laws of physics
to understand conscienceness. These questions are often discussed in connecti
on with the deep mystery of QM measurement -- the effect of observers on physi
cal systems, etc. Then there are many people believe that we already have the
physical and chemical basis to understand all biological systems, including th
e conscienceness as well. Namely, bit by bit as we make progress in neuroscien
ce, we will one day understand conscienceness as consequences of the physics a
nd chemistry that we already have today. Of course, even we do not need fundam
entally new physics, to unravel the workings of our brain will take great scie
ntific discoveries.

  ■ As a theorist of modern physics, do you ever touch Newtonian Mechanics
for the past few years? What do you think about it in the viewpoint of quantum
theory (or some kind of modern physics)?

  □ Are you saying that knowing that the fundamental theory of the world is
quantum mechanical, why do we still need to study Newtonian mechanics? This i
s question that I will try to answer.

  First of all, let's remind ourselves "what is the goal of physics?" Our ai
m is to find the simplest possible description of the physical world. We try t
o find the most appropriate (the "correct") concepts and mathematical language
to accomplish this. In this connection, let's recall the importance of Newton
's (2nd) law F = ma. In fact one can view it as a mere definition (force is ju
st the shorthand for mass times acceleration). If it's a mere definition, why
is it so important? Newton was teaching us: if you want to have a simple descr
iption of the physical world, please pay particular attention to this combinat
ion of mass times acceleration; if you do so, you will find a more unified des
cription of why an apply falls from a tree; why the planets go around the sun,
etc. Thus even we know that quantum mechanics underlies Newtonian mechanics,
it will be totally inappropriate to describe the macroscopic phenomena using t
he QM language. In the same way, once into the atomic world the concept of for
ce is not so useful anymore, now it is energy (especially in the forms of Hami
ltonian and Lagrangian) that plays a dominant role. Furthermore, so much of th
e QM concepts are developed through Newtonian mechanics: Lagrangian, Hamiltoni
an, and the Principle of Least Action, etc. Only when one has developed certai
n understanding of these abstract concepts in the more familiar macroscopic wo
rld, can we use them with some confidence in the atomic and subatomic regimes,
for which we have very little intuition.

  ■ Do you ever review Newtonian Mechanics when you have studied Quantum Fi
eld Theory (I find even for me now, it's hard to read books about Newtonian Me
chanics, although I know it's more profound than I know from my study about 4-
5 year ago)? Compare to a person who do not know modern particle physics, do y
ou have some different viewpoint for it?

  □ I view Newtonian mechanics and QFT all as parts of our phyiscs knowledg
e. But, as I said in another answer, even though in principle QFT and QM under
ly classicsal physics. It does not mean we value classical physics any less be
cause of the discovery of QM. Just as we say atomic physics underlies chemistr
y. But it does not mean we can stop study chemistry. Now it is sometime helpfu
l to know this connection; to know where everything sits in the global scheme
of things. Besides, I believe that we have not heard the last word of the conn
ection between quantum and classical mechanics yet. Sure, one sets the Planck'
s constant to zero one gets the classical limit. But one area of QM that is st
ill of great mystery is the QM measurement theory (the "collapse of wave funct
ion", etc.) They are all related to the interaction between quantum and classi
cal systems, that's not well understood.

  Now knowing more advanced topics does lead to a bette all-round understand
ing of the field. I often teach introductory physics to first year students. I
n principle any physics college graduate can do just as well. But I do think m
y knowledge of how physics is done, and having a broader picture of the field,
in a subtle ways adds something extra to what I teach.

  There are scientists, unfortunately many in the particle physics field, be
lieve that theirs is the MOST IMPORT BRANCH of physics because they study the
most basic: what they discover will EXPLAIN EVERYTHING ELSE. I am of the opini
on that they are misguided. Yes, if we ever find their Holy Grail -- the unifi
ed theoy of particle physics (including quantum gravity), it will be a very im
portant acheivement. But will it help us undertand QED and atomic physics any
better? No. Will they lead to new insight in chemistry and biology? No. Will i
t help us understand conscienceness and free will? No. Furthermore, there is o
ften a misplaced arrogance -- somehow it takes greater minds to make progress
in these fundamental sciences. I doubted. A lot particle physicists felt a kin
d superiority to solid state physicists because "after all in condense matter
one already knows that what underlies their physics is QM and electromagnetic
interaction, all one needs to do is to deduce the consequences for systems wit
h large number of particles!" A more thoughtful person would observe that it t
akes just as much creativity to invent new solid state theory as any particle
physics theory. After all the one big idea in particle physics was "spontaneou
s symmetry breaking", which was first thought up by physicists studying superc

  ■ Do you think the physicists have some special thinking style different
from other people (I mean, do something like "Physical Thinking Style" exist)?
Or physicists just concerned different things from other kind of scientist, b
ut using the same method?

  □ Every field has some approach to knowledge that is characteristic of th
e field. I believe there is such a thing as "physicist way of thinking". Besid
es the emphasis on detailed quantitative approach, the most identifying featur
e of physicist-way-of-thinking is the tradition of reaching an understanding o
f the problem by reducing it to its essence -- often involving the constructio
n of a simple model that can bring out the most important features of the prob
lem. This approach can be used in many other branches of knowledge, but physic
ists are particularly good at doing this.

  ■ How can we judge what is important and what is unimportant in physics?
How about MODELs?

  □ An important piece of physics would have more direct bearing on some ke
y physical feature or some basic aspect of a theory. Yes, what distinguishes a
good physicist from a not so good one is precisely that a good one has that "
extra sense" knowing what's important and what's not. Important physics would
have all kinds of implications for situations far beyond the situation being a
ddressed directly at the moment. I have seen it over and over again that an or
dinary theoretical physicist who would spend a major effort doing a very diffi
cult calculation. Yet the result obtained is of no interested to others, while
a good physicist may only perform a simple calculation that illuminates a who
le area of research. As you bring up the subject of models, it is also true th
at there are good and there are not so good models. A good one can shine light
on a wide area and brings us to the heart of the matter.

  ■ In my definition, MODEL is something we omit secondary influence elemen
ts but maintain the important ones. Then, can we / how can we judge whether a
element is important or not (in an experiment and in are model)? How can we be
lieve models?

  □ This is a judgment people have to make. By and large, an important elem
ent is the one that underlies many other matters, and its validity would have
a larger impact on other physics phenomena. How certain elements come to be re
garded important by the physics community is an interesting sociological thing
. I notice from my experience that physicists, like any group of people, have
a tendency of recognizing certain persons as having deeper insight and followi
ng these leaders opinions. If these leaders’ pronouncements are found to be c
onvincing then a consensus would emerge.

  ■ As a theorist (I wonder if it's a good identity for you), what is your
opinion for experiment and experimentalist?

  □ To put is succinctly, there can be no science without experiments.

  ■ Can you help me to explain my absurdity? If theorists tell experimental
ists what experiment is worth doing, and experimentalists tell theorist what t
heory is right or wrong (and the theories which can PREDICT are the faves), it
means that physics is something which is deeply depend on HISTORY and is not
invariant by time translation. Then how can we call physics TRUTH?

  □ One should always keep in mind that science is one of the human enterpr
ises. It's not simply some truth being somehow revealed to a select few. Like
any other human activity its development is influenced by social context and b
y history. Remember, even Newton said: I can see further because I stand on th
e shoulders of giants. The form the scientific truth, if you call that, comes
out from the particular set of human interactions and human creativity. To me
this is one aspect that makes doing science so interesting.

  ■ Why you decided to study physics? And why you decided to be a theorist
but not an experimentalist?

  □ My own case is not any particularly "lofty" story: When I was in colleg
e in the early 1960's, it's simply "in the air" – many good students interest
ed in science tend to gravitate into physics. In the States, after the World W
ar II physicists have a fairly high social status (they invented the atomic bo
mb!). Furthermore, the Soviet success in launching the satellite caused the US
government to "panic" – fearing that they were falling behind the Russians i
n science and technology. Quite bit of resource was poured into physics. For u
s Chinese students coming to the West to study, there were two additional reas
ons. Most of us coming to this country studied science and engineering because
it is perceived to be least dependent on a student's cultural background and
language ability. The second reason was Lee & Yang's 1957 Nobel Prize. They we
re the heroes for the overseas Chinese population. There was finally something
we Chinese could be proud of. I give you an example: It was my high school te
acher (of English) in Hong Kong who came into our classroom, with tears in his
eyes, telling us that two Chinese physicists have won the Nobel Physics Prize
. Obviously such social atmosphere had an impact on all of us.

  Theorist vs. experimentalist: there are several layers of reason. I was a
pretty good classroom student. As I mentioned above, this means that I am reas
onably equipped to be a theory student. On the other hand, I knew that I was n
o good with equipment. Thus while I have the patience to chase a minus sign in
a calculation for several hours, I was not willing to spend a lot time fixing
a leak in an experiment. I am sure the peer pressure of "good students going
into theory" that I mentioned earlier also had an effect. Looking back, there
is another reason. In the 1950 and 1960's the physics world was completely dom
inated by particle physics. But to be a particle physics experimentalist, one
had to work with a large team and travel far to accelerator centers; I was not
attracted to such a life style.

  You may ask next: "are you happy with your decision?" Looking back I would
say: "it's the right choice for me." Still on occasions I did wonder whether
as a theorist I was contributing much to physics. For an experimentalist, whil
e not making any spectacular discovery, a patient measurement of some physical
quantity is nevertheless a good honest contribution to physics. On the other
hand, an irrelevant theory paper is often no use to anyone. After many years d
oing what I do, I now have a better understanding of my own situation. First o
f all, I finally understand why I have enjoyed doing what I do. Most physicist
s got into the field because they have a burning curiosity of wanting to know
how things work. A typical type is the one who, even when very young, would ta
ke things apart to figure it out. I was not that type. What I enjoy most doing
in theoretical physics is the pleasure of seeing how beautifully the universe
are put together – the aesthetics of physics. This is also why I enjoy writi
ng books – collecting items to show how a good theory can bring so many dispa
rate parts together. As it turns out, I also enjoy teaching very much. I do it
reasonably well because I find explaining things well to be a real pleasure a
nd because I do have the ability to empathize with the students who are trying
to learn.

  The point I want to get across is that there are many paths to a fulfillin
g life. One does not need to be a "genius" to do theoretical physics.

  ■ You said that you'd like to "collecting items to show how a good theory
can bring so many disparate parts together". Is it only a hobby for order or
it is what our world should be? Then what do you think about the aesthetics in

  □ No, it's not just some hobby. It is the driving force behind my work, m
y calling. Although I have only made minor contribution to physics, I am proud
to be a "foot solider" in this movement of people who try to understand Natur
e. It is based on the FAITH that Nature is comprehensible. Of course there is
no reason that Nature would have an ORDER that we can understand. But the past
experience has amply justified this belief. It still seems remarkable (I woul
d even say "deeply mysterious") here one would do some calculation on a piece
of paper; at the other end of the world someone can make a measurement and fin
d exactly what that calculation say what should be the number.

  As Einstein once said, what's most incomprehensible about Nature is that i
t is at all comprehensible. To say that the physical world is comprehensible t
o me means it can be described in a simple way. Such a description (stated in
our physics theory) to me is such a beautiful thing. This is the aesthetics in
physics that is so appealing to me, this is the aesthetics that I find it so
uplifting and I want to share it with others.

  ■ Besides enjoy "seeing how beautifully the universe are put together", d
o you think beauty matter to you in other places in life? Does it change your
life style, or does it change your opinion for society and human being?

  □ Are you asking me whether beauty is important to me in other aspects of
life. I would certainly think so. I do appreciate any civilization that pays
a lot attension to artistic aspects of life. I would say any great civilzation
, I would say almost by definition, has a great art. Whether it changes my lif
e style? I suppose it is inevitably reflected in one's life. Does it change my
opinion of a society? From the above answer, it probably does. Opinion of a h
uman being? Yes, I do probably admire an artistic person more --- but hopefull
y that is independent whether that person is endowed with the kind of physical
beauty as judged by the conventional standard.

  ■ Is physics important to you in other aspects of your life?

  □ In my own case the answer is no; I certainly do not find particularly u
seful to make analogy of other matters in life to physics. Of course as a phys
icist we have certain ability for critical thinking that is carried over when
considering other things in life. But I certainly do not claim that only physi
cists have the critical thinking ability. I would say any educated person (her
e I do not mean formal education that earns one a degree) should be capable of
critical thinking.

  ■ Do you ever feel tired? Are you ever despaired of researching (and if y
ou were, because what)?

  □ Of course I do get tired and often get discouraged with my work. This i
s entirely normal. Still, I want to emphasize something that I said in another
context. Doing research is hard, but it is not as hard as a young student oft
en thinks. As I pointed out, once one is deeply involved, it is often a matter
asking a straightforward, common-sensible question --- this is called researc

  Just by asking this question it shows that you have not "said good bye to
your fantasy" yet. I suppose you think scientists are all super human beings t
irelessly seeking truth. No, the truth is that scientists are just like any gr
oup of human beings. It is true that because there is some objective criterion
to judge (eventually) whether something is right or wrong. It has by-and-larg
e relatively healthy methods to settle disputes. But physicists are human bein
gs and they have all the failings of human beings. (So, I don't think any less
of them.) They still fight over prestige and power, just like any other group
of people. Still, by comparison it is a relatively "clean" profession.

  ■ For a young student who want to study physics because of interest, how
can he or she judge whether his/her interest can be lasting?

  □ This is a hard one. No one can see the future. But by and large when on
e is young one tends to have more energy and one's senses are sharper. As an o
lder physicist once said to me, "when you are young, the world is ON FIRE: eve
rything is interesting and exciting." This will propel one to dig deeper into
things. As one grows older, one tends to be mellower. But it's a relative thin
g. We say theoretical physicists tend to do their best work when young. On the
average, this may be true. But there are plenty theorists still doing good sc
ience past their 60's, especially if they started out at a high level.

  Yes, one has to be honest with respect to one's own interest. Does the sub
ject really excite you? how is this interest compared to other interest of you
rs? I would not worry too much about the future. Rather, one should say to one
self; "whatever I do, I want to do the best I can. I will keep an open mind, a
nd I will welcome change."

  ■ Can an experimentalist be a good physics teacher?

  □ In my earlier messages I may have defined teaching too narrowly (as cla
ssroom teaching only). As I said most physics classes are essentially theoreti
cal physics classes. At a superficial level a person with a stronger theory ba
ckground would have an easier time to teach such classes. But I personally hav
e had really good classroom teachers who were experimentalists. They were able
to explain things in more concrete terms (not hiding behind math!). But I mus
t say that most advanced courses, say graduate level electrodynamics, quantum
mechanics and quantum field theory, are usually taught by theorists. On the ot
her hand an experimentalist graduate students get most of their training in th
e actual laboratory. There the teaching goes on in a one-to-one basis.

  Related to this, let me give you some historical examples. The two physici
sts who had been credited for bringing American physics to the preeminent posi
tion in modern era (in the 1930s and 40s) were J. Robert Oppenheimer and Isado
r I. Rabi -- one a theorist and other an experimentalist. Both were regarded a
s great teachers. Of course, Enrico Fermi, who built up the great physics scho
ol at the University of Chicago, was both a great theorist and experimentalist
. But Fermi's case is too singular to be used as any sort of realistic example
. (In last 50 years there had not been a particle physicist who could be preem
inent in both theory and experiment.)

  In short, an experimentalist can certainly be a good teacher: in the class
room (especially in undergraduate courses) and in the laboratory where real ph
ysics is done.

  ■ Do you think theoretical physics is for every young student who wants t
o study it no matter he or she is clever enough or not?

  □ An answer to such a question of course also depends on what level one w
ants to operate at. It one wants to be a first-tier theoretical physicist, cle
arly one must have some aptitude for such an abstract subject. But if by this
one means to learn theoretical physics to be able to teach physics and to do r
elevant experimental work, then I would say most students with some diligence
can learn the subject. One must also keep in mind that many preparatory branch
es of physics and mathematics are required in order to study such a subject li
ke quantum field theory and theoretical particle physics. One cannot be too an
xious to learn the subject in too short a time. For example my book with Profe
ssor Li on gauge theory, while considered by many to be a particularly accessi
ble presentation of the subject, is nevertheless intended for more advanced gr
aduate students. If undergraduates try to learn the subject this way, typicall
y they would, through no fault of their own, find it tough going. This is even
more so when comes to the subject of supersymmetry and superstring. One has t
o be a bit patient by taking one step at a time. Otherwise one can easily get

  ■ You have said to me that "in the States it is still somewhat rare to fi
nd a woman particle physicist". Do you ever have female physical students? How
they studied? Do the male and female physical students have any differences b
etween each other (I mean, thinking style, etc)? Then you think why there are
fewer women studying physics than men (in China and in the Western world)?

  □ No, I have not had a female PhD student yet. But for that matter I have
not had many male graduate students either --- because I am located in a smal
l department and robust particle physics graduate programs tend to be with lar
ge Universities. About one third of our undergraduate physics and astronomy ma
jors are women. Female students do just as well as male ones. I do think it's
mainly sociological reasons why there are not many women particle physics stud
ents. It's understandable a woman would be more reluctant to enter a field whe
n she does not see many persons of her gender in the field. Besides the questi
on of lacking role models, in any field of study it is very advantageous to ha
ve a peer group with whom on feels comfortable to have frequent relaxed exchan
ges – in fact most of us learn a good part of our subject through discussion
with our peer group. Of course in principle men and women can form a study gro
up – in reality there is still some barrier nevertheless. Once there is a cri
tical mass of female particle physicists there will be many more women coming
into our field. I am convinced this will happen in the not too distant future.

  As the same time I do not wish to be too naive about the subject: The soci
al barrier is quite real. To a good extend this is true for any demanding fiel
d of endeavor. Our society still treats men and women differently and there ar
e biological imperatives. While most men have the support of spouses who do mo
st of the household chore and child rearing, a woman-professional still has to
do both career and domestic work. (This is definitely changing in the West, a
nd I assume the same in China also.) During the child bearing/rearing age (20'
s and 30's), it is simply too difficult for a woman to devote totally to physi
cs during this crucial stage of their life. So there are definitely barriers.
But there certainly have been many cases people have found ways to overcome su
ch difficulties. On the other hand, if one is talking of living a satisfying l
ife, making contribution to the physics, one can still do it with a more balan
ced life. As I said previously, one can lead a successful physicist life witho
ut being at the very top of the pyramid.

  ■ What kind of social environment is good for a young student to seek sci
ence (I am sure it's not an environment where everyone wants to have an easy a
nd comfortable life, just like nowadays in China)?

  □ I am not sure exactly what you meant by this question. I will proceed w
ith the hope that I guessed correctly what you are trying to ask. Generally sp
eaking, to learn such a difficult science subject, it is a good idea to have s
tudy partners. Ideally it's a group of friends, with similar interest, studyin
g together. The main advantage is that in such a group there will be free exch
anges and mutual discussion so that one is not afraid to ask "stupid questions
". It is immaterial whether this group consists of all the "good students", et
c. Clearly if the study partner knows more, it's useful. Even if the partner k
nows less, it is useful also. In the process of helping the partner by explain
ing a difficult topic, one also learns tremendously. As the saying goes, the b
est way to learn something is to teach it. One should also be aware that just
about everyone feels "stupid" when learning science, especially physics. Actua
lly it is not that the learner is stupid, rather it's the nature of the subjec
t matter. If the person answer your question knows what she or he is talking a
bout, the answer is often straightforward, thus "obvious" --- hence making you
(the person asking the question) feeling stupid. Because science is a system
with logical structure, all correct answers should be "obvious". Clearly, this
should not prevent one from asking questions, but one should be reminded that
this is just the nature of science.

  I don't know what you meant to say the prevalent environment in China is t
hat people only seek an easy and comfortable life. From what I know this is ju
st the opposite: everyone in Chinese schools work very hard. (My concern is th
at people work TOO hard and leave no time for self-development.) Frankly, I am
not bothered by the fact that people want a good life. This is just human nat
ure; it's entirely normal. What concerns me more it that students study a subj
ect not out of true desire to learn, and not out of an innate curiosity, but j
ust out of the "duty" to study something that they think will bring them prest
ige in the society they live in. This kind of motivation seldom brings self-sa
tisfaction or great achievement.

  ■ What I mean "easy and comfortable" is what you mentioned at the end of
your answer, because I think "prestige in the society" is a life easy and comf
ortable. I have never studies in the western countries, but I am told that Chi
nese students always do the best in the western Universities and none of them
(I mean the persons just a little older than me) do the best in the scientific
society nowadays. What I wonder is that there are a lot of Chinese scientists
who are the best in the older generation (I think if they have their childhoo
d in Chinese mainland, they were all born before 1949). So I ask you what kind
of social environment is good for a young student to seek science, because Ch
inese traditional culture should be all the answer.

  □ First of all, I am not so sure that older generation had any better edu
cation back in China than the current system in Mainland. In my opinion, consi
derable statistical chance is involved in any "great" scientific discovery. Th
ere are more good scientists who are older simply because there have been long
er time for this statistical odds to happen. I also do not agree with the obse
rvation that somehow the younger Chinese scientists have achieved less (vs the
older ones at comparable age). There are many outstanding Chinese scientists
here in the States. Yes, no recent Nobel. But that's what I mean by statistica
l chance. Also keep in mind that many Nobel prices are given for work done man
y years prior. Please note this recent physics Nobel for Gross, Wilczek, and P
olitzer was for their work done in 1973. (That's why we often joke that a basi
c criterion to win a Nobel is longevity.)

  Now there may be some truth that the research achievement of Chinese does
not quite match their performance as students in a classroom setting. That has
a lot to do with our culture of not emphasizing independent thinking. Chinese
, whether young students or older adults, are seldom told to cultivate the att
itude of QUESTION AUTHORITY! Also the education system here is different. Amer
ican students have to spend a lot time, starting even in elementary school, to
do independent projects, many of which involve team-work. In a sense here a y
oungster starts "doing research" very early.

  Another interesting difference is the emphasis here on developing a young
person's social skill. (May be there is too much an emphasis.) But in science,
like any human activity, the ability to be independent-minded and at the same
time the ability to work well with others are very import for eventual succes
s. In the Chinese education system (for that matter all Asian education system
s) only the competition aspect is stressed. For example, to me, the falling-ou
t between Lee and Yang is not totally unrelated to this lack of social skill.
To be sure, falling out between collaborators certainly happens; but seldom on
e encounters such bitterness and such public squabble.

  ■ You said that in the Chinese education system, competition is overempha
sized, but Lao Zi told us to know where to stop (知足不辱、知止不殆,可以长久)
so competition is not a Chinese traditional culture, and the culture which ov
eremphasis competition is Greek (they said Olympic). So you think when and why
we began to overemphasis competition?

  □ The nature of East and West competitions are somewhat different. While
the West tends to emphasize the direct competition among different people, but
I would still regard Chinese culture emphasizes competition – although mainl
y in the form of competing with oneself, or competing to win with respect to s
ome fixed expectation. What I have in mind is this all-important role that exa
minations have traditionally played. The goal, set for every student, is to do
well in these exams, to be the number one, to be the 狀元. There is this expe
ctation that studious study would translate directly into fame and fortune (no
t mentioning power). This is so deeply ingrained in our culture, even today al
l sorts of people are still surprised that the number-one student in a school
does not do all that well in life after graduation. One seldom sees students b
eing encouraged to learn for the sake of learning --- not many people talk abo
ut the "joy of learning", or the "joy of reading", etc., to acquire knowledge
so as to be able to live a full life. Instead, youngsters are told to "eat bit
terness": if you study hard, it will bring you glory and fortune, so-on so-for

  You mentioned Lao Zi advocating this passive approach to life. For that ma
tter, we also have Buddhism which told us "all is illusion" .., the only way t
o live is "to give up all human desires". Yes, these traditions are there. But
I claim they are all "side-shows". Asian societies have been dominated by the
Confucius value of "doing all you can to gain honor and glory for yourself, y
our family and your country". For those wanting to drop out of this "rat-race"
, they are offered Taoism and Buddhism – these are society's mechanisms to "l
et-out-the-steam" so that the principal business of competition can go on.

  ■ Then what is your definition about success (especially success for a ph
ysicist or a scientist)?

  □ What is my definition of success? Everyone is given some natural abilit
y and circumstantial chances. Any person can be counted as "a success" if she
or he can fully utilize these potentials to do something useful to mankind. An
other component of being "successful" is one's own well-being which, for me, m
eans the possession of meaningful and warm relations with people around one-se
lf. For those of us who have been fortunate enough to live a life without the
need to struggle constantly to gain the basic necessities of life, one should
get involved with something that transcends the daily humdrum, that's benefici
al to mankind. In my case it turns out to be physics and education. But in my
opinion exactly what one does, whether it's geology or physics, whether a scie
ntist or a shopkeeper, whether a university professor or a craftsman, is reall
y not that important. What's important is doing it well – to the best of one'
s ability.

  You also asked for the definition of a "successful scientist", specificall
y, a "successful physicist". A "successful scientist" is someone has made mean
ingful contribution to the advancement of science. That's of course a tautolog
ical answer. What one should keep in mind is that the advancement of our knowl
edge can take on different forms. The most clear-cut advancement is making new
discoveries. But everyone has different abilities; there are scientists who c
ontribute by having a deeper understanding of things that have already been di
scovered, by seeing new relations among known things. Also we can contribute b
y being good teachers, or by being a good science reporter, or being a good ad
ministrators, etc. All are very useful to the progress of science.

  I suppose, when you ask such a question, implicitly you are asking me to t
ell you as a young person: how can you be a successful scientist? What I am tr
ying to say is that, at the outset, it's not very important whether you are in
this or that field. As everyone has different abilities and is given differen
t chances, you should allow yourself to explore different opportunities. You s
hould then pick the one that you find you have particular affinity to – your
particular talent or interest that will allow you to dig deeply into the subje
ct (namely, having a passion). In such a situation there is better chance that
you will "do well".

  One thing a young person entering a field always worries about not having
the ability "to make discoveries". All those discoveries one reads about alway
s seem so "clever", or the process has been "completed" and there is no more d
iscovery to be made. Actually most often the new discoveries were merely the c
ommon-sensible "next-steps" made by people who are deep involved in the study
of the subject. Thus the most important thing is to get oneself involved (as w
e say, to get one's feet wet), then step-by-step, till one becomes "deeply-inv
olved". Once in that stage, new discoveries will come naturally. Related to th
is "fear" of not having the ability to be a scientist is related to the type o
f exposure students have had of the science subject. Often a student doesn't r
ealize that the way science is taught in a classroom is very different from th
e way science is actually done. In a classroom, what's taught is some neatly "
packaged-science". In order to teach what has been learned in the last two or
three hundred years of scientific discoveries, the only way is to present the
summary, the result. Presented this way everything seems so logical, so self e
vident. This is seldom the way the scientific results are actually obtained. I
n physics this means what's learnt in a classroom is the resultant theory. Tha
t's why most physics students want to be a theoretical physicist, because all
they have seen is the triumph of theory.

  ■ What do you think about a leader (I mean, a leader of a big science pro
ject you and me have to contact with, and also some leader in other places)? D
o you think "leadership quality" is important for a physicist?

  □ A leader is naturally important because, if her/his deed does cause a g
reat following, then, for better or for worse, it's important. Such a leader c
an have the kind of personal quality that naturally draws others to him/her. B
ut s/he can also be a "loner"; but by the sheer quality of her/his work or vis
ion that causes a great many people to look up to her/him. With such a broad d
efinition of a leader, there is not much one can discuss further. But I believ
e you are asking about the kind of leader who can organize others to accomplis
h a task. Clearly a big science project can only be done if there is a small s
et of leaders pointing the way and providing the administrative organization.
I think such leadership is very important. In most academic circles people ten
d not to value administrators, and it's true that many administrators do not c
ontribute much except to their own benefit. But I think they are wrong. Over a
nd over again I have seen administrators who can provide leadership and their
service has genuinely benefited the people in the organization. Often such typ
e of leadership has proven indispensable for a difficult task to be accomplish
ed. Such leadership quality should be highly valued by a society.

  In fact I would say that the traditional education system in China, for th
at matter throughout Asia, has not put enough emphasis on cultivating such lea
dership quality in the young. Now I am talking about education in general rath
er science education in particular. The way being done here is to have childre
n, at a very early stage, participating in group activities. Of course, you mu
st involve them in doing things that they are interested in. The most common a
ctivities are team sports, which is a great way to foster friendship, cooperat
ion, and cultivate leadership among the young. Leaders and leadership are impo
rtance at all level of a society. I certainly do not mean the kind leader who
is a dictator who has the habit of imposing his/her will over other without ar
tful persuasion. While our culture had not emphasized the importance of cultiv
ating leadership quality in a significant portion of the society, we often put
too much value and hope of having one "great leader", "the savior", who would
lead us to paradise (secret hope for a "wise king"). One has to realize that
a leader is a human being after all; when too much power is given to a person
for too long, it has great corrupting effect. This is certainly true in politi
cs, but also in other spheres of activities. Any organization should have a na
tural way to allow fresh new leadership to replace the old.

  ■ What do you think about a leader as a person and a leader as a rule? Th
en what do you think about a physical rule we cannot revolt?

  □ I suppose you mean one's attitude towards the established orthodox: whe
ther it be a body of knowledge or persons in power holding orthodox views. In
this regard I would say science is generally a fairly conservative community.
Namely, we do not give up a well-established theory (orthodox?) lightly. For a
comprehensive theory to be established, typically it has passed many, sometim
e tens of thousands, experimental and observational tests. If some new phenome
non is discovered, one tends not give up the old theory right away. First of a
ll, one has to make sure that the new observation is genuine (I have certainly
seen my shares of wrong experimental results) and one then tries to understan
d it in the old framework --- to see whether the apparently contradictory evid
ence can actually be comprehended because the established theory may have so-f
ar not realized richness in its structure to include such new phenomenon. In t
his case the Standard Model of particle physics is a good example. Quantum fie
ld theory was the first framework people used to understand the particle inter
actions. But QFT calculations led to infinities. Only after a long struggle di
d people realize that if the calculations were performed correctly (through th
e renormalization program) then these fatal infinities went away. Then in weak
interactions the infinities one encountered were above and beyond those curab
le by renormalization; people eventually learned QFT could be in a "spontaneou
s symmetry breaking phase' (the Higgs mechanism) giving rise to a massive inte
rmediate vector boson theory that is renormalizable. In the realm of strong in
teractions the unexpected richness of asymptotic freedom and confinement, etc.
allowed us to construct the successful QCD. So in the end QFT was the right f
ramework after all, even though along the way many people had advocated its ab
andonment as the framework of high energy physics. You can certainly revolt ag
ainst orthodoxy but usually this is not the first thing one does when encounte
ring a new difficulty. Obviously quantum mechanics was a revolution. But it wa
s made after many years of trying to accommodate the new radiation and atomic
physics within the classical theory. Such a radical break was accomplished by
young students (Heisenberg, Dirac and Pauli all were in their early 20's) whos
e mind had not been conditioned by the old physics and could look the difficul
t in a new light to invent QM. Schrodinger was in his 30's when he first wrote
down the QM wave equation; this "old man" of quantum revolution in the end ne
ver was able to come to term with the new QM.

  I am not saying that one cannot revolt against a physics rule. Because the
rule sits on a very firm foundation, it is often difficult to replace it by a
new one that can explain not only the new difficult but also leaves the old s
uccesses untouched. Thus in physics there is seldom a revolution that knocks d
own the old and replaces it by the new. It just find a new that is more encomp
assing : it can include the new as well as the old.

  ■ If we analogize physical theory as ordinary leaders, we may think physi
cal rules/truth (I mean, something like final theory nature really hold --- al
though maybe it is not comprehensible forever, not the theory we have now) as
"great leader". Then, what do you think about physical rules/truth?

  □ Physics laws as leaders?! This is an interesting exercise on analogies
--- not one I would have thought of, but I will try. Such leaders would not ha
ve been appointed by someone. They would have reached their leadership positio
n through a whole series of difficult tests. Eventually all come to recognize
and accept their leadership willingly. But such a leadership is very inflexibl
e and they have to be obeyed all the time. There have been revolutions in this
realm also. Usually such leadership are not over-thrown but absorbed into a b
igger domain where an even greater leader rules. Still, I am glad we are just
playing a game here. I would not want to be governed by such a leader. To me a
wise leader has to be flexible and taking the human nature into account in it
s ruling over a society. I certainly do not wish to live in a society ruled by
a rigid tyrant.

  ■ Do you mean you do not believe final theory?

  □ If you mean by final theory in physics, I do believe it --- subject to
the qualifications I have been talking in the above: Physics theory is always
subject to revision when new phenomena are discovered. We must also keep in mi
nd that there had been occasions in the past when people mistakenly thought th
at the end of physics was at hand. Also, a “theory of everything”, while pro
vides a nice the global connection of different parts of physics, really does
not explain most of things in physics.

  If you mean by final theory in this analogy about leaders, I certainly do
not believe in any ultimate leadership thing.

  ■ When you last came to China (I mean both mainland and Taiwan respective
ly if you have ever been to)? How do you feel about it?

  □ I was born, and finished junior high school, in Shanghai. In 1956, duri
ng the "Hundred Flowers" period, my sister and I were able to obtain exit perm
it to go to Hong Kong to join our parents. I finished high school in Hong Kong
and have been in the United States ever since 1960. My wife is from Taiwan, s
o we have been going back to Hong Kong and Taiwan almost every year. So I know
a bit more of those two places. The first time I went back to Mainland was at
the end of 1979 because there was a physics meeting organized by the Chinese
Academy of Sciences held in Conghua (just outside Guangzhou). There was chance
for us to visit Beijing, Hanngzhou, and Shanghai also. Since then I have only
been back two or three times for very short visits – not in any sort of offi
cial capacity. Last year my family and I did a tour of Beijing, Xian, and Shan
ghai. On this trip I visited Peking University and two institutes of the Acade
my of Sciences. In fact some arrangement was made that would allow me to come
back to teach for a year at Peking University. But in the end, I have to decli
ne this very nice invitation because of some personal obligation that would no
t allow me to leave St Louis for too long a period. How do I feel about these
places? Of course I have been very much aware of the big change happening in C
hina. From the news reports, and from reports of friends who have gone back to
visit and some to stay. I also had PhD students coming from Mainland. To actu
ally see the physical transformations was certainly mind-boggling. What surpri
sed me was that, while people at the top (for example, the scientists at the A
cademy) were happy and optimistic, many the people we encountered on the stree
ts expressed tremendous anxiety. Among other things, so many of them were worr
ied for their children to be able to enter a respectable university. The feeli
ng was that failing to do so would somehow "doom" them forever. There is this
whole hierarchy of education institutions. The right "brand name" is so import
ant to everyone. I believe this problem is not peculiar to Mainland. This kind
of value is more or less true in every Chinese area in the world: in Taiwan,
in Hong Kong, in Singapore, and also in the Chinese community in the US. Someh
ow our traditional culture put so much emphasis on a hierarchical structure. E
very thing has to be ranked, even though the rankings themselves are often mea
ningless. Somehow, people cannot exercise their independent judgment and they
put so much faith in "name-brands" as given by these rankings. In Taiwan and i
n Mainland, to exploit this weakness all sorts of books are written with the t
itle having the word "Harvard": This would guarantee them to be read by all ki
nds of ill-advised readers. So in Taiwan, in Mainland, AND in the Chinese comm
unities in US, people compete so fiercely to get into a few designated places
that would somehow bestow magic power onto their children. So much sacrifice i
s made for this -- such a waste of energy and talents! But this is very deep i
n our tradition. It would take many years to cultivate a new culture of indepe
ndent minded and critical thinking people. But I hope it will happen.

  ■ Do you think there are something important enough as we should ask you,
but we did not?

  □ You have asked many thoughtful questions, and have been very patient wi
th my often long-winded answers. Please indulge me with a few more "final comm

  I hope every student should realize that no matter how much one learns in
a university it will not be enough --- especially in view that so much knowled
ge becomes obsolete in a not-very-long period. Thus the most important thing t
o learn is how-one-can-keep-on-learning after school. Namely, one must acquire
the habit of “life-long learning” --- the habit of constantly reading, with
a critical mind, books, magazines and internet postings... by whatever method
s knowledge is being propagated in the world today. No one knows the future; b
ut we can be sure CHANGE will be a constant feature in our lives. The best pre
paration for an uncertain future is the habit of constant self-learning.

  Just by studying in a classroom is not enough in another sense. In this in
terview we have talked mostly about physics and science education in the forma
l setting – the type you study and take examination at the end. To me there i
s always the danger that a student learnt all the technical aspects of science
and technology without absorbing the more important lessons of “having the s
cientific spirit”. This means a broad outlook, a habit of making judgment bas
ed on evidence, a critical eye towards opinions one hears from all directions.
I bring this matter up because the Asian education system that forces a stude
nt to specialize at a very early age (certainly by the start of the university
period). This has the danger of producing rather one-dimensional specialists
who may be very competent in the technical details of their profession, often
lack sound judgment when making important decisions. The solution is to de-emp
hasize examination at every level ant to allow undergraduate students to postp
one their specialization until the last two years of their university career.
This not only gives more time for students to decide exactly what their intere
st lie but also can expose them to a broader “liberal arts” learning. Such a
reform is likely to be resisted by the education establishment because it giv
es more control to the students. “Who knows what students would decide to maj
or after we admit them?!” But if enough people start demanding such a reform,
this will happen someday.

  Finally, I would like to pay you and your magazine a special compliment. T
he interview collection you have posted online is among the most informative t
hat I have read about the education situation in China. The activities that yo
u and other young people are engaged in (the NGOs) are very impressive. I know
the situation in China is not easy, but what you all are doing will make a di
fference; this gives me great hope.

  2006.07.26 -- 2006.08.31 network interview / translate by H.O.L.M. The tra
nslator do not want to guarantee the validity and accuracy of the Chinese text
, because of her limited capability. Please read the English version directly
if you have the ability. The interviewee's wife Leslie Su Cheng has great cont
ributions to the translation, in fact, she pointed out a lot of mistranslation
s of mine and helped me to translate something. My friend dk provided some hel
p for set up questions, she also read my preprint and gave me a lot of advices
. The text of this interview belongs to Creative Commons Deed (Attribution-Non
Commercial-ShareAlike), you can share it in this legal restraint.


徐一鸿 / Tony A. Zee

  ■ 你认为具有怎样标准的东西才能被称作“标准模型”?(1)

  □ 在物理上有很多名词取得很不好。比如爱因斯坦自己说“相对论”就是一个例子,

  ■ 你怎么看待“基本粒子标准模型”和“宇宙学标准模型”?(2)

  □ 这两个标准模型应该是不同等级的。相比之下,“宇宙学的标准模型”的整个图像

  ■ 作为一个物理学家,你怎样看待数学?(3)

  □ 在物理学界有很多人很推崇数学,我有非常不同的看法。我的看法比较像费曼。

  ■ 从物理的角度,你怎样看数学中的一些深刻的定理,比如说“哥德尔不完全性定理

  □ 这种东西对现代物理上一点影响也没有,它们只是在比较深奥的数学上被发现的。

  ■ 那么你理解数学真理和物理真理?(5)

  □ 数学只是一种逻辑关系,它当然很奥妙,但是不一定和现实生活有联系。所以我觉

  ■ 你怎么看待哲学?它是否能对我们的物理研究有所帮助呢?(6)

  □ 你知道物理刚开始的时候是哲学的一部分,其实它在历史上就曾经被叫做“自然哲

  ■ 你怎样看待“自由意志”?(7)

  □ 我当然希望自由意志是存在的,因为如果它不存在我们做的一切都没有意义。如果

  ■ 你怎样看待实验在物理上的意义?(8)

  □ 实验当然非常非常重要,因为物理学归根到底不是一个游戏,它就一定需要实验。

  ■ 也就是说你本人很不喜欢弦论了?(9)

  □ 不,我很喜欢它。我觉得你问的问题和我是否喜欢它没有什么关系。如果我是年轻

  ■ 你是否能够帮助我解释一下我的悖论?如果理论物理学家告诉实验物理学家什么实
移不变性的东西。由此,我们还怎样能把物理叫做“真理”呢? (10)

  □ 你的问题可以在不同层面上说。我们可以想象另一个文化存在于另一个星系里面,
TA们的科学历史和我们的完全不一样,比如TA们也许先发现了相对论,但是 TA们一定有和

  ■ 怎样判断在物理中什么是重要的而什么不重要?(11)

  □ 这件事情很难判断。在十九世纪如果研究电磁学,或者比如蛙腿电击的问题,大家

  ■ 对于一个学过量子场论的人来说,回顾牛顿力学,你是否能发现一些更深刻的东西

  □ 当然。你起码会知道量子力学是如何从量子场论中近似而来的,而牛顿力学是如何

  ■ 你怎么看待那些我们说“是”或者“不是”的物理词汇?或者说,当我们只对某些

  □ 我不知道真理是否可以简化到这种程度,但是我觉得应该不可以。有很多事情是不

  ■ 是否存在“物理学的思维方式”这种东西?(14)

  □ 有。不过物理学是一个很大的范畴,它的不同分支思维方式也有很大不同。

  ■ 物理学对你生活的其它侧面是否重要?(15)

  □ 你指的是理论物理吗?这个要看你对生活怎么定义。我想它对我应该是重要的。

  ■ 你是否认为理论物理适合于任何一个有志向学习它的年轻人,无论她/他聪明与否

  □ 你当然也可以问一个小孩子学写字是否需要足够聪明。她/她不够聪明当然不行。

  ■ 对于一个因为兴趣而跑去学习物理的年轻人,她/他怎样判断自己的兴趣是否能长

  □ 你的问题不太有针对性,上面这几个问题完全可以适用于其它方面。比如你完全可
以问她/他下棋或者打球的兴趣是否长久。这个要看她/他对自己的期盼,如果她 /他只是

  ■ 你怎样定义一个物理学家的成功?(18)

  □ 中国在20多年前有一段时间简单的把成功定义为获得诺贝尔奖,这个是很片面的。

  ■ 为什么你会决定学习物理?(19)

  □ 我们这一代人华人学物理都很受李政道和杨振宁的影响。他们的工作是我读中学的


  ■ 为什么你会决定做一个理论物理学家而不是一个实验物理学家?(20)

  □ 每个人是不同的,每个人的兴趣也是不同的。

  ■ 你的英文名字(A. Zee)怎样发音?(21)

  □ Zee[zi:]就是“徐”在上海话里的发音,你问任何一个上海人都知道。

音质很差,问题7 / 11 / 12 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21没有录音,文本


徐一鸿 / Tony A. Zee

  ... ... When my family immigrated from Hong Kong to Brazil, my mother did
not know whether we would be able to attend school there. So she bought many
books, one of which talks about physics, to bring with us. I was reading that
book on the ship (back to then, it took 50 days to sail from Hong Kong to Braz
il, while today's young people only spend one day on such distance), and becam
e interested in physics. I had the immense good fortune that the apartment my
father rented happened to be within walking distance of the American consulate
with its library of books in English. Of course he did not know it when he re
nted the apartment. But I avidly read many of the books in that library, regar
dless of subject. I remember reading a book about how to manage a forest, when
to cut certain trees etc ... ...

(see the Chinese edition for more)

  2006.09.20 and 2006.11.07 telephone interview by H.O.L.M. Because the inte
rview is carryed out by Chinese, we do not offer English edition. Thanks Mr Ze
e to pay the telephone rates. Because the lack of phone hands-free kits in bot
h interviews and the bad condition of acoustic quality, question 7 / 11 / 12 /
14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 do not write down belong to the recordi
ng. That part of the text is just a review of the general idea (because the in
terviewer is not a professional journalist, so do not know the mnemonics), omi
ssion and misunderstanding can not be avoided, please do not take it too serio
usly. Thanks my dormmates and classmates to tolerate me, of course, the interv
iew disturbed their studying and resting. The text of this interview belongs t
o Creative Commons Deed (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike), you can share
it in this legal restraint.

galilette 2006-11-16 09:45

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