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级别: 骑士

精华: 0
发帖: 71
威望: 72 点
金钱: 711 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Posted: 2012-11-22 18:41 | [楼 主]
级别: 骑士

精华: 0
发帖: 71
威望: 72 点
金钱: 711 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Posted: 2012-11-22 18:43 | 1 楼
级别: 骑士

精华: 0
发帖: 71
威望: 72 点
金钱: 711 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Posted: 2012-11-22 18:51 | 2 楼
级别: 骑士

精华: 0
发帖: 71
威望: 72 点
金钱: 711 静电币
支持度: 0 点


A Bash of Bannermen
Playtest Rules, version 1.0 Beta


翻译 by Htimeag。

The Home Regions:
On the board are delineated home regions for each of the nine houses.  They are the colored borders surrounding various areas, including that house's starting shield.  During the course of play, that house will receive a +1 bonus in all combat that takes place in an are within this region. There is no bonus to support coming from one of these regions, so it is never possible to gain this +1 advantage more than once per battle.  The bonus only applies if the actual battle is located within the home region - in other
words, the defender's army must be the one located in the bonus area.  Because of this, the home region bonus never applies to ships, as fleets cannot be attacked in port, and no sea areas are part of any house's home region. Additionally, these bonuses are not transferable.  You cannot offer another player the use of your regional bonus, and if two players are fighting in a third player's home region, there would be no effect.  (Home regions example: The Stark player marches into Moat Cailin with a
footman on his first move of the game, as he should.  His defensive strength if attacked in that space is 3: 1 footman strength +1 fortification bonus + 1 home region bonus.  On the next turn, he cold place a defense +2 order, and the individual footman would then defend at a strength of 5!)

Targaryen Dragons:
Dragons are a special unit available only to House Targaryen.
The Targaryen player should receive three to muster at the beginning of the game, represented by the black, green and white ships placed upright on their sterns.  These three are a limit – dragons cannot be re-mustered once removed from the board.  When a dragon is lost, place it back in the box and out of play. Dragon units have a base strength of three on attack and defense, but still only count as one unit against supply. A dragon may be mustered only by upgrading a knight at the cost of one mustering point.  You cannot muster a dragon from a footman, even if you have two mustering points available at a stronghold.
Dragons can never be created from siege engines. 
龙仅能通过耗费一个征兵点数,将骑士升级来得到。(如果用变体 这条规则就不适用了)

Dragons are land units, but they are capable of attacking sea areas as well as supporting sea battles.  They cannot, however, occupy a sea area at the end of their move (even if a friendly fleet is located in that sea area).  Dragons can use sea transport to attack just as other units. 

If a dragon attacks a sea area and loses the battle, they may retreat as normal (unless killed by sword icons). For this retreat, ship transport may be used.  If they win the battle, they must either return to the space they made the attack from, or redeploy into an open or friendly land area directly adjacent to the sea area in which the battle was fought.  For this redeployment, ship bridging may not be used (unless returning to the area of origination) - the dragon(s) must move into an area physically adjacent to the sea area. Multiple dragons must all move into the same area.  They may not move into an area containing enemy forces, or an enemy power token.  In this manner, a dragon can defeat an enemy fleet and take an open adjacent area in a single move.  Dragons may never enter ports.

Dragons may never switch sides under any circumstances. 
Cards that might allow this do not affect dragon units. (ie. Drogo may not capture a dragon)

Note that if an army containing dragon(s) is given a support order, the army's entire strength would be applied while supporting an adjacent land battle - but only the dragon's strength would be applied to an adjacent sea battle.

Victory Conditions:
Rather than totaling the number of castles as in the previous games, victory is conditional upon total amount of mustering points. Small castles are worth one. Big castles are worth two. Bastions are worth three. First player to 25 wins. This is not a cumulative count where Great Houses add the castles of Bannermen.

The Wildlings:
“Man the Wall”: Allows any house on Westeros to muster a Footman in the happens at Castle Black. Costs one mustering point from main force. Each footman reduces the wildling attack strength and gives player a crown toward the "Game of Thrones" card. No orders may be issued to these Footmen, ever. Since these Footmen do not engage in battles, any number from any combination of Houses may occupy the same area. They are not counted for Supply purposes.
In the case that the Wildling attack succeeds and Houses must remove units, a player may opt to remove any and all of their Footmen on the Wall toward the total number of units they lose.

“Protecting the Investments/Inheritance”: The three Easterner players may bid power tokens against the Wildling attack, even if they have not yet landed in Westeros. If they take part in the bid and it is not successful, they do not lose units if they have not landed in Westeros.

“Honored Servant”: In the case of a successfully repulsed Wildling Attack, the Great House Player may pass his/her "restore discarded General to hand" option to one Banner House.

General Cards: When the “Wildlings Attack” card is turned and after the Houses have made their bids.
1) Mance Rayder: "The Wildings track is not reset to zero after the attack."
2) Rattleshirt: "Only land units (not ships) may be removed if lost."
3) Mag the Mighty: "If victorious, all houses lose one additional unit."
4) Tormund Giantsbane: "The Wildlings attack at one additional step on their track."
5) Alfyn Crowkiller: "Footmen mustered to the Wall do not reduce the attack."
6) Harma Dogshead: "The top bidder does not regain a house card."
3)Mag the Mighty:如果入侵成功,所有家族额外损失一个单位的兵
4)Tormund Giantsbane:野人条往前进一格
5) Alfyn Crowkiller: 驻守长城的步兵不会降低野人战力
6) Harma Dogshead: 出价最高者不能够收一张回家族卡

Liege Lord:
Bannermen start off as allied to a Great House. Depending on different game conditions (declaration of war and Deck V card) a Bannerman will have the opportunity to ally themselves with other non-Bannermen or even become independent.
While allied in this manner:
1.)    Bannermen may not declare war on its Great House and vice versa.
    2.) Bannermen gain the regional combat bonus of their Great House.
        2.) 封臣可以享受其封君家族的势力范围的战力加成。
must have a Great House they are allied to and cannot be independent. If their Great House is defeated they must declare allegiance to another Great House (by the end of the turn? immediately?) Allegiance may be declared to any Great House still in play. No Bannerman may attack its respective great house or another of its co-bannermen. In return they get the regional combat bonus of their great house. Allied houses may move through, stop in and/or be routed to spaces controlled by allied players. The Brotherhood may not have a Bannerman declare for them, though they may have a Great House bend the knee to them via the “Take the Black” rule.
A Bannerman allied to a Great House may not have Bannermen of their own.
尽管根据“Take the Black”规则,“兄弟会”(一个新家族)可以使封君家族向自己屈膝,他仍然不能接受别的家族效忠于自己。(这条没必要吧)

Deck V card: “The Banners Break”
  Banner Houses may not break until Turn 4 or 5. A breaking Banner House must declare that it is breaking and who it is turning to at the beginning of a turn (before/after orders are laid? before/after turn cards are flipped?)
  The remainder of that turn represents the shift in allegiance (ie. "loyalty update memos" being passed down through the ranks, political bridgeburning, etc.).


Until the next turn...
  ...the breaking Bannerhouse may attack neither it's former Great House nor other Banner Houses sworn to that Great House. It may also not attack it's Great-House-to-be, but it may attack it's future Great House's Bannermen (accidents happen; maybe some Captain didn't receive the Memo Sparrow).
  The breaking Banner House may March, Defend, Consolidate Power, and receive Support from anyone, but it may not give Support to anyone and may not Raid.
If the breaking Banner House has units sharing the field with its Great House and/or other loyal bannermen, then those units must either:
a.) move to an empty field without combat and begin the turn there routed
    OR if there are no empty fields to move to
b.) battle the units in the field. This battle is resolved after bidding for influence but before placing orders. In the case of multiple Banner Houses breaking, battles are resolved according to the Iron Throne track. Since the prerequisite for this type of battle is that there are no open areas for the Banner House to move to, if the Banner House loses this battle all its units are destroyed.
- Should support be allowed under b.)?
A.    移动到一个空地,不得产生战斗,并且该回合被作为败兵对待
B.    立即在当前所在地发动战斗。这场战斗发生在“竞拍影响力”之后,但是在部署指令之前。


Banner Houses have Supply equal to their Great House. If a Banner House takes control of an area with Supply Barrels it counts towards the Great House's Supply as if the Great House player had taken it. Once a Great House exceeds 2 Bannermen a -1 modifier is imposed on their Supply Track. This penalty increases by one for every two additional Banner House after. (eg. -1 at 3 B.H., -2 at 4 B.H.)

Declaring for the East:
Banner Houses may not declare for Targaryen or the Free Cities until after those players has been on Westeros for a full round.


“Take the Black”:
Under special circumstances a Great House may "Take the Black" and become a type of Banner House. This is only possible if you as the Great House meet 3 of the following 8 conditions:
  1.) you have 5 or less units total, not counting Bannermen.
  2.) you have no castles other than your capitol.
  3.) you have no capitol.
  4.) your Supply is 1 or less (this includes the modifier for 3+ Banner Houses).
  5.) you occupy a single area with no empty adjacent areas. (surrounded)
  6.) your dragons have all died.
  7.) all your units on the map are routed.
  8.) an opponent beat you by 10 points in a battle.

在特殊情况下,封君家族会"Take the Black",变成一个封臣家族。只需要满足以下条件中的8个中的3个条件:
1.    不算封臣家族的部队,你自己的部队数量小于等于5个
2.    你占领的城市只剩主城了
3.    你丢了主城
4.    你的补给小于等于1(要计算超过3个封臣家族而带来补给值修正)这个没理解啊。。。桶不是调补给才变么。。。需要什么修正?
5.    你的某一块领土周围一圈全部被其他玩家占领。(也就是说包围别人紧邻的两块地不算)其他一个或一群玩家?
6.    你所有的龙都死了
7.    你所有的部队都处于溃散状态
8.    某场战斗里你被你对对手以10战力的优势打败(应该是只要发生一次就对整局游戏有效)

- What are the rules for who the Great House bends to?

  If a Great House qualifies and uses "Take the Black" they lose the House Card representing the head of their house (eg. Eddard for Stark, Doran for Martel, Edmure for Tully, etc.) because that individual has joined the Nightswatch. In exchange, the subjugated Great House (and by extension: it's ruling Great House) counts as providing +1 against a Wildling attack.
如果一个封君家族符合条件,并且要执行"Take the Black",他必须永久失去他的家族首领卡(比如史塔克的艾德,马泰尔的刀郎,徒利的艾德木等),这被视为他去加入了守夜人。而征服他的封君家族能够在野蛮人入侵时得到+1的出价。(刀郎明显。。。不像其他几个人那样值得留着)
“Cost of Business”:
    As real wars are costly undertakings, they are rarely commenced without thoughtful consideration. To reflect this, all players start the game at peace with one another. If a given player wishes to take land, castle, etc. from another they must first consult the “Cost of Business” chart. Where the name of the player and their opponent intersect is a number indicating the number of power tokens either player must pay in order to declare war.
    Great Houses and Bannermen may pool their power to declare war against another player. If a Great House declares war, then their Bannermen are automatically at war with the same opponent. If a Bannerman declares war, their Great House may choose whether or not they also wish to be at war with that player.
    There is no turn order for when war may be declared. If a player or players have the power and wish to go to war they need only to announce what they are doing and pay up. Be careful when you choose to take a bathroom break.
“Cost of Business”:
因为真实的战斗所耗颇丰,所以在决策的时候必须慎而又慎。为了模拟者一点,所有的玩家一开始都处于和平状态。如果某位玩家想要占领另一位玩家的领土,他必须先查询“Cost of Business”表格。并且付出表格所示的你对某玩家宣战需要付出的权利点数来对他宣战

Great House Taxes:
For every 3 power tokens that one Banner House gains in a turn, their Great House gain 1 free power token. This includes any power gained: through house cards, consolidate power orders, etc. This counts per single Banner House, not cumulative across several (ie. Frey gaining 1 power and Crakehall gaining 2 does not grant the +1 power to their Great House)

Bastions are basically bigger castles with three points of mustering.

Knights can "skip" road areas that are either open or controlled by the player or an ally. Knights cannot be blank mustered in one turn, but must be upgraded from an existing (ie. minimum one-turn old Footman).

Galleons & Transports
The regular ships (hereafter referred to as Transports) can be upgraded to Galleons. Galleons attack at two but cannot carry troops. Galleons are identified by turning Transports on their sides. Routed ships are now placed upright, standing on end.
Capacity: Transports can still be used in bridging and/or hold up to three points of mustering: 3 Footmen; 2 Footmen & 1 Knight; 1 Dragon. Place the units being transported in the same sea area as their transports. Routed transports lose one transported unit. Knights are removed entirely and may not be reduced to Footmen.
Supply: Transports containing units are considered 1 for the purpose of counting Supply. (eg. one empty transport counts as 1; one full transport with three Footmen counts as 1; two transports count as 2; etc.)
Disembarking: As many units as are being transported may disembark from a transport may only do so if they do not cause a Supply violation.

Building Ports:
As with Forts. Use a consolidate power order, construct port, don't collect power token.

Selectable Commanders (Rob’s Rule):
Each house now has twelve instead of seven Commanders. From this deck the player chooses two generals he wishes to have and deals himself the other five at random. This happens at the start of the game and each time he has used up all his cards.

Will to Fight:
Each player has a personal track where they keep a record of how many battles they've won. Any battle won moves them up a point, any battle lost moves them down one. Supported battles don't count, even if it is your Bannerman. The track ranges from -5 to 10. At different parts on the track the player gains different "feats":
2 points lets you capture forts and built ports.
5 points lets you build forts & ports using the consolidate power order as normal, except that you also gain the power token.
10 points lets you leave behind power tokens taken from your discard pile.

The Tracks:
The Messenger Raven: Great House players may use the Messenger Raven to change the order of one of their Bannermen even if that Bannerman player does not wish the order changed. The new order still comes out of the Bannerman's stack of orders so for example: the Great House player cannot swap a March order for a Support order if the Bannerman doesn't have any Support orders left.
    The changing of orders using the messenger raven should start with the third place player, then the second, then the first place. This is so the first place player gets to see what the other two have done and gets to make the best decision.
Valyrian Steel Blade: The top three placements each get a Valyrian Steel Blade.
Kingsguard: Whoever controls the Iron Throne gets a +1 Strength to any defensive combat in their capitol city.

Druthers Track:
The Druthers track is a newly introduced fourth track. It represents constantly changing fortune in war, politics, and economy. At the start of the game and each turn thereafter, before the decks are flipped, the house token are removed and dealt out at random on this track. For this turn houses will have the advantage or disadvantage that their token landed on.
Design Note: Discourages scripted opening moves.

Iron Throne: benefits of the Kingsguard

Feifdoms: Top three get a sword

Raven: Top three get Ravens

Fourth Tract: Loyalties
Possibly an bannerhouse track, meaning if bannerhouses pay to get high enough on this track, they can then voluntarily break with their lords?

And also, have positions on the track provide power each turn:
1-4: 4/turn
5-8: 3/turn
9-12: 2/turn
13-16: 1/turn
17/18: 0

Deck V:
    Just as Deck IV represents some nasty things that happen in the game, so Deck V represents some good things that might happen to a few players. Both are flipped from the outset of Turn 5.
A Bash of Bannermen: All bannermen have the OPTION to change alliance.  (VERY powerful)

A Dance with Dragons: Targaryen can hold this card, if/when a dragon dies, he can go to muster pool instead of being permanently eliminated. Does not apply retroactively for already dead dragons.

The Winds of Winter: The Brotherhood without Banners immediately becomes an Arryn bannerhouse.

A Time for Wolves: Bolton, Frey and Arryn immediately are allied with Stark.

A Dream of Spring: Martell does not have to reduce his supply when (what would normally be negative-result) supply cards appear.

Sleeping with Fishes: All Tully wars immediately are removed.

Path of the Lion: Lannister may declare war against any non-allied power for free this turn.

Arms of the Kraken: Greyjoy ships may move up to two areas instead of one this turn.

A Song of Night: Baratheon gains a sword and a raven until the next Clash of Kings.  (If already have, can now change two orders, or add +1 twice in a turn.)

A House of Thorns: Henceforth, declarations of war against Tyrell cost an additional power token.

A Bash of Bannermen: 所有的封臣都可以选择改变同盟对象。(建议改为花钱的不然天下要大乱的)
A Dance with Dragons:坦格利安能够保留这张牌。当他的龙死亡时,可以使用这张卡来将龙丢回征召池。这张卡对之前已经死亡的龙无效。
The Winds of Winter:“无旗兄弟会”立刻变成艾琳家族的封臣
A Time for Wolves:波顿家族,弗雷家族,艾琳家族立刻同史塔克结盟。(改为互相结盟,+徒利家)
A Dream of Spring:本回合如果出现调整补给,马泰尔不必减少补给数
Sleeping with Fishes:所有的徒利家族的战争状态立刻移除。(+弗雷家)
Path of the Lion:兰尼斯特可以对非同盟家族自由宣战,不用给钱。(+野猪家)
Arms of the Kraken:本回合葛雷乔伊的舰队可以移动两格的区域。(+哈尔洛)(+城邦+龙,条件为未登陆)
A Song of Night:拜拉席恩获得一把钢剑和一个信鸦。如果他本来就已经有了,那就变成2个。(改为钢剑或信丫并+弗洛伦)
A House of Thorns:从此以后,所有对提利尔宣战的家族必须额外付出1块钱。(+雷德温)

New House Special Order Tokens:
    Good idea from FFG Boards: Add an additional force march OTO to every house for the longer game...  possibly another recruit, too?

"Reputation of the Flayed Man" - All attacks against Bolton are at Strength -1 for this turn. Raid Phase

"The Boar's Charge" - Any units in the area that this power is played in may bypass one adjacent area and attack (not simply move into) the area beyond. If this force loses the battle, it must follow the normal (one space) rules for retreat from the embattled area.

"Spirits of the Arbor" - Add +1 Combat Strength to sea battles this turn. Raid Phase

    Harlaw/Drowned Men:
"Cult of the Drowned God" - Any units lost this turn are placed aside and may be re-mustered on a controlled coastline during the consolidate phase, in accordance with Supply rules. Raid Phase

"The Fox's Tunnel" - If controlling both areas, may move any amount of units between Brightwater Keep and Storm's End in accordance with Supply.  Must be played in the area marching from. March Phase

"Lord of the Crossing" - Must be played on one of the two Twins. That Twin cannot be attacked from the other this turn. Raid Phase

    Free Cities North Guild:
"Golden Winds" - All ships may move two spaces this turn so long as they do not take part in any battles, directly or supporting. Raid Phase.

    Free Cities South Guild:
"The Tears of Lys" - Can only be played in Westeros. Player may select a card from a player in an adjacent area and remove the house card from the game (may only discard Beric Dondarrion from the Brotherhood).  Raid Phase

"Ghosts of the Forest" -  All March orders on Road areas are immediately removed and units on roads must move to an empty area. If there are no empty areas, then those units on the road must attack or be destroyed as they may not be routed back to the roads. Raid Phase.

                    Foot      Knight      Ship    Siege    Total
14 "normal" houses:      10          6              7            2          350
2 Free Cities                  21          0              9            2          64
Targaryen                      21          0              9            2          32+3
Brotherhood                    17          4              4            2        31
Total                                220        88            132        36      480


Piece Mix:
Totals: 220/88/132/36

11 6 6 2 Stark
09 6 6 2 Bolton
09 7 7 2 Lannister
11 5 6 2 Crakehall
12 8 5 2 Tyrell
09 4 9 2 Redwyne
09 5 9 2 Greyjoy
11 4 7 2 Harlaw
10 6 8 2 Baratheon
10 6 8 2 Florent
14 7 8 2 Martell
10 7 7 2 Tully
11 6 5 2 Frey

14 7 8 2 Arryn
16 4 4 2 Brotherhood
19 0 9 2 Free North
19 0 9 2 Free South
16 0 8 2 Targaryen +3 dragons

(Since 0 knights would require changing the upgrade-from-knight-to-dragon rules, we'll make them cost a full 3 mustering points. That way they can only be mustered in Bastions which will hopefully mean that, even when created at the beginning of the game, they'll take a while to get somewhere.)
Posted: 2012-12-08 14:01 | 3 楼
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