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How Lannister Has Not Lost on Turn 0
Dan- O @ Aug 10, 2009

Speak, o wise Geeks! I don't know the answer.

Other threads ask how to improve Lannister in a 5-player game, but amazingly, there seems to be little consensus. I can't imagine playing GoT again without a House Rule correction, as the imbalance tilts the game for everyone.

A quick summary of the problem in this thread
notes that
Greyjoy's unstoppable 1st move orders to capture Riverrun are as follows:

1) -1 March from Greywater Watch of 1 footman to Pyke
2) 0 March from Pike of 1 knight AND 2 footmen to attack Riverrun.
3) Support order in Ironman's Bay (which forces Lancaster's ship to execute a Raid order there)

Simply put, something has to be changed to deal with Greyjoy's strongest tactical move because Lancaster cannot survive it.

That's exactly right. The same Greyjoy advantages can then be pressed on Lannisport after taking the Golden Sound on Turn 2, which Lannister cannot prevent.

An aggressive, Seagard-focused Stark is a necessity to keep Greyjoy from an early and uncontested win, but it still won't save Lannister. The best it can do is encourage Greyjoy to pause at Riverrun.

Here's another good summary from Alexfrog:
So what do we have:

55.5% of the time, Lannister is simply crushed and has no chance.

44.5% of the time, Lannister might have a chance, but this
depends on getting ahead of Greyjoy on fiefdoms in the clash of
kings, when Greyjoy has one more power token than him and KNOWS
that if he stays ahead of Lannister on fiefdoms plus either gets
at least one special order or keeps the sword, then he gains
complete control over the western seas, and will eventually crush
Lannister's land territories.

This is a deal-breaker for me in a game I would otherwise love. Games are supposed to be fun, and it's no fun for the player in a position that is essentially played by someone else: Lannister lives or dies according to Greyjoy's choices.

This isn't the same as 'Austria' in Diplomacy, a position dear to my heart after 9 games as Austria: eliminated once on T3 (that one hurt), once on T5, and 7 wins. Yes, both Lannister and Austria are surrounded, but Austria isn't at the mercy of any one neighbor.

No amount of diplomacy saves Riverrun if Greyjoy choses to have it, and he should: he can easily take it and the Golden Sound on T2, making Lannister progressively weaker each turn.

And Greyjoy can still hold Flint's and Seagard against Stark. If Stark hesitates for even one turn to move for Seagard, Greyjoy can take Lannisport, too. Stark has to play properly not to save Lannister - he can't - but to keep Greyjoy from victory on T4 (or 5, if Greyjoy has lost his Sword by then). Note that in this thread
several players see how important it is for all players that Lannister hold Riverrun. But they don't see that he can't. It's not a matter of skill or will; it's math... and a design flaw.

Since a five-player game shouldn't be decided by one or two, there must be a fix. And BGG is the place to solve the problem.

So let's look at the proposed options:

Move Greyjoy down the Raven Track.
This is clever, as it weakens him only slightly:

and I take it from this thread,
that it's the 'official' fix.

What we're ultimately trying to do here is make Greyjoy weaker or Lannister stronger (or both), but not so much so that it tips the game too far. Ideally, it would even things out between them without unbalancing their ability versus other neighbors.

Unfortunately, it doesn't leave much room for 'play.' Lannister has a series of steps he must do to survive. Only an informed player can possibly know the sequence - if you have newcomers, once again, Greyjoy chooses Lannister's fate - and if you do have a players who know the opening, it isn't fun. Tyrell need not wonder if Lannister is going to the Searoad Marches: he isn't. Baratheon knows Harrenhal will sit empty another turn. And only an informed player can possibly know the sequence.

Lannister is now the anti-Lannister: safe, predictable, and dull. We can do better.

Map Changes
Clever, and they might work! Here are several good ones:

- Bump up the border of the Golden Sound so Riverrun no longer touches Ironman's Bay, like this
tried here:

- Place mountains along the edge of Riverrun so neither the Sound nor the Bay can reach it.
This variant was tried with a bridge to Mountains of the Moon in this thread:

- Combine the Sunset Sea and West Summer Sea, while moving the border fo the Golden Sound to the south edge of Searoad Marches.
This doesn't directly save Riverrun, but it does offer opportunity to Tyrell and concerns for Greyjoy, both needed.

- Connect Pyke to Seagard and Dragonstone to the Point.
This is similar to the above.
One variant also adds a stronghold to Oldtown made to help Tyrell.
Adding a crown to Lannisport also makes sense.

- Remove the river between Greywater Watch and Winterfell.
Not a direct save for Riverrun, but it speeds interaction between Stark and Greyjoy.

- Play with Ports, as in A Game of Thrones : A Clash of Kings Expansion
Essential. Without it, Lannister loses his fleet and any chance to make more. But it still doesn't save Riverrun.

- Move the City from Riverrun to Stoney Stept and the unit in Stoney Sept to Riverrun.
This is appealing and interesting, but I've never heard of it played. Would the game change?

Any of these might work, but they need playtesting or simulation. Has anyone tried them?

Unit Changes
- Replace the Knight for Baratheon and Greyjoy with a footman
Travis has tried this and found it wasn't enough, so he removed the footman altogether
And in one of the above threads, another player downgrades to footman AND moves the sea border north of Riverrun.

- Upgrade Lannister by a unit

- Start Seagard without units, beginning instead at Flint's Finger.

- Put a neutral force in Riverrun, like at King's Landing

Any of these may work, if they don't tip the balance too far.

Mechanics Changes

- Give Lannister a +1 to any actions out of the Golden Sound

- Allow a Stark portage across Castle Black, as in the books

- Prohibit Greyjoy mustering builds until he holds Flint's Finger
These last two don't solve Riverrun, but they help with general balance. Greyjoy can make an impenetrable fleet barrier. It's easy to block Tyrell, and neither Lannister nor Stark can field enough fleets to break through. There's a similar problem with Baratheon in the East.

Best of the Best

So what works best?

The strange idea of swapping the icons and units of Riverrun and Stoney Stept is interesting, and I'd like to see it played. But barring something so unusual, I'd be tempted to try a combination as Travis did:
- Remove the link from Ironman's Bay to Riverrun and bridging to Mountains of the Moon
- Replace the Greyjoy and Baratheon knights with footmen
- Add crowns to Oldtown and Lannisport.

What works best, wise Geeks?

Source: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/4109727#4109727
Posted: 2009-10-25 17:09 | [楼 主]
级别: 新手上路

精华: 0
发帖: 31
威望: 32 点
金钱: 311 静电币
支持度: 0 点


好处是红色就2点征兵了 很容易在后面几个回合里面彻底被打垮。

Posted: 2009-10-25 19:28 | 1 楼
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