本页主题: [求助]求教各位电脑高手,我在卸载D-Tools和Alcohol Soft时出了问题。 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 新手上路

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 [求助]求教各位电脑高手,我在卸载D-Tools和Alcohol Soft时出了问题。

小弟我因为玩游戏的需要,要安装虚拟光驱。又因为某些个人原因所以我要同时用D-Tools和Alcohol Soft这虚拟光驱两个程序。但是小弟我在更新这两个程序的时候出现了问题,我发觉我不能卸载这两个程序,而且我在硬件设置中也不能强行卸载这两个程序生成的虚拟光驱。正确来说是卸载了还会出现。[p:4]求教各位电脑高手,请你们帮一帮我这条可怜虫吧.[p:4]
Posted: 2004-08-10 23:04 | [楼 主]
级别: 侠客

精华: 0
发帖: 35
威望: 12 点
金钱: 156 静电币
支持度: 0 点


这是我从Daemon Tool官方论坛上转贴过来的,
作者是Daemon Tool的开发人员VeNoM386:

1. Open device manager (SCSI/RAID Controllers section) and delete SCSI controller with name corresponding with name of Daemon driver
(miniport driver name). If you have problems doing it (eg. system crashes) then start from step 3 (skip steps 1 and 2).

2. Open device manager (System devices section) and delete device with driver corresponding with Daemon driver (bus driver name). In current versions of Daemon Tools it is 'PnP BIOS Extension' but most likely it may change in next versions. Again, if you have some problems doing it, skip this step

3. Find Daemon driver files in Windows\System32\Drivers folder
(in Win95/98/ME also check Windows\System\IOSUBSYS folder).
Make sure your system is configured to display system files (ControlPanel->Tools->FolderOptions->View) in order you can see them. Delete Daemon driver files.

4. In WinNT/2000/XP/2003 open registry editor and check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services for entries with same names as Daemon driver files. Delete these keys.

5. Reboot your system. If you executed steps 1 and 2 then you don't need to do anything anymore. Otherwise proceed to next step.

6. Go to device manager - you may see some device with yellow mark.
This is most likely Daemon device which cannot start because it's drivers are deleted. Delete this device from Device Manager.

The same procedure may be used also for complete removal of Alcohol drivers from system.
Posted: 2004-08-11 16:44 | 1 楼
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