本页主题: [原创] [英文連載] The King of Darkrals 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

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 [原创] [英文連載] The King of Darkrals

"Aaarghh" I screamed while striking the stone with my twin mace, I was blessed with ambidexterity as a child, and I put it to good use in combat. I, the fifth son of Aradan, a small nobody in the world, but a prince in the society of the Darkrals. The Darkrals, I can't find where to begin describing their wicked deception and cruelty, but what am I to judge my own kind? Afterall, am I not just like them? My own existence has been hard and almost non-existent. The masters at the throne only allow one child per family, but this rule only applies to children above the age of 12. Naturally, every child at the age of 12 gains the intellect that allows them to realize that, They want to live! We hone our skills and body, just so one day we may... eliminate... our siblings, and allow ourself to see the dawn of tomorrow. Although the status of my family, we are still within the boundries of the ruling of the Masters. Me being the youngest in the family, witnessed 2 of my sisters and 3 of my brothers slain by my eldest sibling, Arkrane. I could still recall and remember the vivid details when I crushed Arkrane's skull with my mace.

     It was a dark afternoon, and I was about to turn twelve in 2 months. Arkrane, naturally felt pressured by my trained skill of ambidexterity. I also had words that he was going to murder me that same week. I striked first. He was practicing in the famity courtyard. Dressed lightly in leather armour, holding two scimitars, obviously practicing his striking with both hands, in order to strike me. I had my eyes locked on his torso, as it dances around the courtyard in grace. Arkrane being the eldest, obviously has the most training of all the siblings. I threw a dagger at him, he dodged it with relative ease but it still striked him at the arm. Shrugging off the graze, knowing my presence, he charged at me with speed and a look of murder. As he approached me, I jumped up, tipped upon his forehead with my right hand and ended up behind him. I flailed back the mace in my left hand, striking him point blank with the blunt weapon. Then all I saw was red red red... blood.

     By the way, my name is Alveyrian.
Posted: 2004-08-07 00:11 | [楼 主]
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