下面是引用Randuin于2004-08-6 11:37 AM发表的 Re:i've got my head!:Since when are avatars referred to as "heads"
下面是引用Raul于2004-08-6 11:38 AM发表的 Re:i've got my head!:那就更没人看的懂了。。。用词要通俗。。。。
下面是引用Randuin于2004-08-6 11:42 AM发表的 Re:i've got my head!:God dammnit, Let's all start spamming in pure english
下面是引用狐思乱想于2004-08-6 11:38 AM发表的 Re:Re:Re:i've got my head!:知道了~~换个头像没什么好炫耀的~
下面是引用Randuin于2004-08-6 11:44 AM发表的 Re:i've got my head!:They can bring a dictionary to the BBS, or post with 金山快譯