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级别: 光明使者

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狐狸写著 'from: http://www.linuxbyte.net/view.php?skin=news&ID=5022

  (Linuxbyte.net 7月27日 转载太平洋电脑网)据上周IT界传来的消息,微软正努力让Linux软件运行于Windows上。如果Linux, Windows平台上的软件可以在这两个平台上互相运行,这就是个“双赢”的局面。
  让我们看看Longhorn, Longhorn是下一代的Windows系列产品,将于2008年发行。微软虽然提及了3D图形用户界面和系统文件夹的可能性,但并不能打包票。


Posted: 2004-08-02 14:19 | [楼 主]
级别: 光明使者

精华: 1
发帖: 2076
威望: 198 点
金钱: 658 静电币
支持度: 0 点


OK. Here's the thing from IT Weeks.

Unix to beef up Longhorn
Microsoft's Services for Unix facility is poised to take a more prominent role in the next edition of Windows
Roger Howorth, IT Week 12 Jul 2004

Microsoft is set to include its Services for Unix (SFU) add-on for Windows as an integral part of the next major release of the Windows server operating system, codenamed Longhorn and expected in 2008. Some analysts said the move could eventually sideline conventional Linux and Unix operating systems.

A growing number of firms are using SFU, currently a free add-on for Windows 2000, 2003 and XP Professional, because it enables a single system to run Windows, Linux and Unix software.

Systems running SFU provide an excellent environment for integrating applications - for example, to add Active Directory support to a Unix application.

Jason Zions, a solutions architect at Microsoft, said there are development versions of SFU that enable a single process to run code both from Windows and Unix libraries. Currently this feature, which would dramatically ease integration tasks, is not available in SFU. Zions said, "We've been working on research versions that would solve that particular problem. It wouldn't surprise me to see that capability appear in a future release of Windows."

Dan Kusnetzky of analyst firm IDC said SFU was one of Microsoft's hidden jewels. "It's a very powerful capability that Microsoft very seldom speaks about," he said. "Rather than hide this product behind Windows they should lead with it. Many firms might be much more interested in Windows if it worked in the way they are used to doing things."

By including SFU in Windows, Microsoft could rapidly become the biggest supplier of Unix software if Longhorn proves a success, undermining traditional Unix vendors such as Sun, HP and IBM, as well as Linux vendors' enterprise offerings.

Microsoft has already confirmed that Longhorn will include a technology called "server roles" to make it easier for IT staff to build Windows servers suited to a particular task, such as file serving. Experts said SFU could surface as a new server role in Longhorn.

SFU is not shipped with Windows because SFU currently contains open-source software, such as the GNU C compiler, which cannot be distributed with commercial software. Zions confirmed that Microsoft is working to replace all open-source code in SFU with commercially licensed alternatives. Last year it licensed Unix software from SCO.

Microsoft may also release a 64bit version of SFU this year. Zions suggested that Microsoft would soon support 64bit x86 processors such as the AMD Opteron and Intel Xeon EM64T chips, saying, "SFU 3.5 today does not run on Windows 64bit platforms, but when I get home I am putting in an order for a 64bit AMD laptop because I have to demo this stuff."
Posted: 2004-08-02 14:19 | 1 楼
级别: 光明使者

精华: 1
发帖: 2076
威望: 198 点
金钱: 658 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Another article about that.


Roger Howorth
Windows takes on multiple roles
One day Windows servers will be easy to optimise - and they may even run Linux applications
IT Week 22 Jul 2004

As IT Week revealed recently, Microsoft is working to make Windows run Linux software, and not before time. Windows and Linux would be much more useful platforms if they could each run software originally written for the other.

Now let's talk about Longhorn. Longhorn is the codename for the next version of Windows, currently slated for delivery in 2008. Though Microsoft has mentioned the possibility of a 3D graphical user interface, and a new database-like file-system, it has actually made no promises about what will be included in Longhorn.

Many people note that 2008 is so far away that without an excellent crystal ball, nobody could predict what the update will contain. But one thing I reckon for certain about Longhorn is that it will be able to run Linux software.

Such a move would provide Microsoft with some excellent ammunition to win business from companies looking to deploy Linux, and those looking to replace Unix-based Risc systems with Unix based-x86 ones. If Microsoft wants to sell more server software, adding this capability to Windows would be a fine way of doing it.

In fact, the new "server roles" installation technique due for delivery with Longhorn is perhaps the only other certainty about Longhorn. This is Microsoft's new approach to software deployment. Rather than install everything all at once, the server roles approach allows IT staff to tell the installation program exactly what a particular server will be doing, so the installer only installs the software needed for that task.

IT Week identified the drawbacks of Windows installing unnecessary software last year in our review of Samba 3, which outperformed Windows as a file server in our tests. Part of Microsoft's explanation was that Samba and Linux combined require far less resources than Windows.

I talked this over with the guys in Microsoft HQ, and I'm sure I could hear the tears hitting their desk as they realised that an operating system so bloated with optional extras was doomed to lose ground against products designed for a single purpose.

In instances like this it is clear that less really is more.

Anyhow, server roles would also provide an easy way to install Windows Services for Unix (SFU). This is important because in its current form, SFU is quite tricky to install. For example, you either need a working NIS server or a few files containing user names and encrypted passwords to be present on your c: drive. These things are easy enough for Linux administrators to arrange, but they can form an impossible barrier to Windows administrators attempting their first installation of SFU.

A server roles approach would reduce the resources required by an SFU system, but more to the point it would provide a way for customers to build Microsoft Unix servers that did not need to be weighed down by insecure Windows software, such as Internet Explorer or other unnecessary Windows tools. Imagine that.
Posted: 2004-08-02 14:19 | 2 楼
级别: 光明使者

精华: 1
发帖: 2076
威望: 198 点
金钱: 658 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Posted: 2004-08-02 14:21 | 3 楼
级别: 光明使者

精华: 1
发帖: 2076
威望: 198 点
金钱: 658 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Posted: 2004-08-03 08:36 | 4 楼
级别: 光明使者

精华: 1
发帖: 2076
威望: 198 点
金钱: 658 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Posted: 2004-08-03 09:48 | 5 楼
级别: 光明使者

精华: 1
发帖: 2076
威望: 198 点
金钱: 658 静电币
支持度: 0 点


下面是引用ivw于2004-08-5 10:53 AM发表的 :

Posted: 2004-08-05 11:54 | 6 楼
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