本页主题: [成人][原创]偶随便乱写的暑假日记 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 贵宾

精华: 14
发帖: 15287
威望: 2803 点
金钱: 6689 静电币
支持度: 4413 点


I haven’t traveled for years. This summer, my father planned to go to HK with me. I was very excited because I had never been to a place which was so far from Hang Zhou.
27th July, dad took me to get our visas. To finish the forms, we had to take photos. Father said that my hair was too long and it affected my look, so I had a haircut b. In fact, I thought I was uglier after the haircut.
The photography machine was so advanced that the user can take passport photo as soon as the police taking photograph. The photographer just made one click for each person but charges 40 Yuan. It was really expensive!
There were lots of people in the office. Father gave the forms and some photocopies of licenses and photos to an officer. The officer printed several signets on them and wanted us to pay 140 Yuan for each person. I was nearly fainted upon the desk as I heard it. Traveling is really a waste of money! Why does the government charge so much money for granting a visa? I think it wants to earn a large sum of money from it. Well, it may be wrong.
After paying, we received a form. It said that we can get the visa on 17th August. Oh my goodness! It’s a long time to wait! And on 15th August, my military training will begin. I guess that father will force me taking part in the training, so, unfortunately, maybe I’ll visit HK after the training. Damn it!
Father told me that we don’t need to pay any for the plane tickets, because his friends will handle it. I don’t know where the money is from, may be from friends’ pocket. I always have a strange feeling about it.
I feel that HK hasn’t a lot of interesting places, since it has skyscrapers everywhere. Friends tell me that the most interesting thing in HK is shopping. we can buy a lot of things such as clothes and watches at lower prices than in the mainland. I just planned to use my savings to buy an ipod there. Then I will have no money to buy other things. If father supports me with some money, I’ll consider buying some clothes, cards and small ornaments (well, I don’t need art ornaments,they are just for my friends)
Of course, I’ll take many pictures there and then share them with my FOX. I heard that she has never travelled. Her new semester will start on 28th, so I will have to give the photos to her as soon as possible. I hope she’ll like them.
I hope that my journey will be a part of my best memories.
The end.
[ 此贴被小神在2004-08-02 13:23重新编辑 ]
Posted: 2004-08-02 10:52 | [楼 主]
级别: 贵宾

精华: 0
发帖: 915
威望: 257 点
金钱: 3025 静电币
支持度: 0 点


[quote]下面是引用小神于2004-08-2 10:52 AM发表的 [成人][原创]偶随便乱写的暑假日记:
I haven’t traveled for years. This summer, my father planned to go to the HK with me. I was very excited because I have never gone to a place which is so far from Hang Zhou.

you have been to Japan
Posted: 2004-08-02 11:06 | 1 楼
级别: 贵宾

精华: 0
发帖: 915
威望: 257 点
金钱: 3025 静电币
支持度: 0 点


下面是引用小神于2004-08-2 11:08 AM发表的 :

Posted: 2004-08-02 11:11 | 2 楼
级别: 贵宾

精华: 0
发帖: 915
威望: 257 点
金钱: 3025 静电币
支持度: 0 点


下面是引用小神于2004-08-2 11:22 AM发表的 :


Posted: 2004-08-02 11:35 | 3 楼
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