本页主题: 【02】夜深了,忽然飘来了这么一首略带伤感的歌曲《lady 》真的是太美了! 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 论坛版主

精华: 77
发帖: 2000
威望: 1725 点
金钱: 14601 静电币
支持度: 12066 点

 【02】夜深了,忽然飘来了这么一首略带伤感的歌曲《lady 》真的是太美了!


On your night the shining harber

And I love you

You've made me what I am

And I am yours

My love,there's so many ways

I want to say I love you

Let me hold you in my arms forever more

You have gone and made me such a fool

I am so lost in your love

And wowl

And all we belong together

Won't you believe in my soul


For so many years I thought

I'd never find you

You have come into my life and made me whole

Forever let me wake to see you

Each and every morning

Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear

In my eyes I see no one else but you

There's no other love like our love

And yes,oh yes

I'll always want you need me

I've waited for you for so long


Your love is the only love I need

And beside me is where I want you to be

'Cause my love there is something I want you to know

You're the love of my life

You're my lady

Posted: 2007-01-24 21:57 | [楼 主]
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