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级别: 论坛版主

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 【04】《The new diana》 

《The new diana》 

  Hut旗下的著名低调乐队auteurs的灵魂及前卫人物luke haines与两个毕业于戏剧学院的年轻人sarah和john足见了这支玩票式乐队:black box recorder。 从auteurs最近的那张恶毒的专辑“after murder park”的黑色噪音里挣脱的luke,在音乐表层上不知不觉地陷入一种微妙、细腻、蜜糖般沉着文静的情趣中去,而更多的原因在于"两个临时"演员“——john唯美而保守的和谐吉他点弦与sarah沉闷疲倦、冷静得有些骇人并固袭默守的嗓音所赋予的特性,这亦是这张唱片卒听似是源自4AD的原因——标准英式的对于沉着从容而易使人心迷神乱的情节的酿造,厌世并避世的幽雅的童话故事及绝望疯癫的金斯勃格与不安的叶芝的融合体。

  唱片所宣扬的情绪是用玫瑰与绸缎装点的炼狱,滴入沥青的咖啡或接近腐烂的艳尸。那是一个无光的,luke乐于勾画的丧心病狂却凄艳绝伦的临界空间:冷淡、单调、凄惨、缺乏生机的音乐语言叙述着感情的迟钝、精神的瓦解、末日的象徽。这是一部献给麻木灵魂的凄美的安魂曲,对被现代物质破坏并扭曲的童真精心布置的一场豪华的守丧。一方面又焚燃了自我精神祭祀的大旗。它有计划地去保持一种对毁灭的感怀,在他的第一首单曲“child psychology”这个眩晕的音乐旋涡里,一个患自弊症的6岁小孩刻意游离着父母的关爱,蔑视着烦琐的心理疗程,他随时随地只呆滞地嘟囔着:“人生黑暗……”;音乐里它成功地在乐部与文本之间营造出了剑拔弩张的紧张与对立,用一种肯呢感会引发瓦解的简单,将女声破碎的唱腔拼版于稀疏而冗长的间奏与念白里,朴素的节奏与灰黄的音乐框架贴合了音乐意识的核心与本质,它摇晃着诱惑了心灵底层的悸动。此种音乐表白方式同样适用与唱片里的其他曲目。

  专辑最为人称道亦有些人云亦云的地方是90年代以来另类音乐一条不成文的惯例:用易碎的少女唱腔来渲染灵魂的流放,如low,mazzy star之类,它密谋着最有效地揭示情节细节的方式,寻找着迅速回归精神本原的捷径:年轻、性感、甜腻、美好的声音与阴冷忧郁的思想,悲苦而歇斯底里地抒情。这点上bbr是异常准确而深邃的,并不惜做得过分出位。bbr阐明了你我的处境并提供了选择:在黑暗中腐烂,或在黑暗中化碟。

I was born a blonde, I've always been a princess

A queen of hearts, now a mother

Where is the replacement for the world's front cover?

From one English Rose to another

I want to be the new Diana

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines

I want to be the new Diana

Visiting the shore occasionally

Shimmering blue ocean, diving in at starboard

Perfection for a second away from the hoard

Deep-sea fishermen toil in the sunset

Dragging in a mermaid caught in the fishing-nets

I want to be the new Diana

(OK!, Hello)

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines

I want to be the new Diana

(OK!, Hello)

Visiting the shore occasionally

Miss South Of England, Miss United Kingdom

The heart that healed, the hand that fed

Lady of the lake, lady in red

Island in an island, in an island

I want to be the new Diana

(OK!, Hello)

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines

I want to be the new Diana

(OK!, Hello)

Visiting the shore occasionally

Politics and minefields, press and P.R.

These are bad places for a queen of hearts

Where are the heads, where's the republic,

Where are the songs that made the nation cry?

I want to be the new Diana

(OK!, Hello)

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines

I want to be the new Diana

(OK!, Hello)

Visiting the shore occasionally

I want to be the new Diana

(OK!, Hello)

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines

I want to be the new Diana

(OK!, Hello)

Visiting the shore occasionally

Visiting the shore occasionally

Visiting occasionally

Just visiting

Posted: 2007-01-23 22:02 | [楼 主]
级别: 光明使者

精华: 0
发帖: 2392
威望: 339 点
金钱: 1001 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Posted: 2007-01-23 23:58 | 1 楼
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