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 Delayed Windows SP2 Denies Access to Illegal CD Keys

Delayed Windows SP2 Denies Access to Illegal CD Keys      
July 12, 2004      

Microsoft's latest security update, Service Pack2 has been delayed to August coming down hard on security issues.

SP2 will include an enhanced Windows Update feature. The new update service includes smart downloading technology that will allow users to interrupt the large SP2 download and resume it later, especially useful for users of dial-up Internet connections. The latest test version of SP2 is 264MB, though the final version is expected to be smaller, insiders say.

The new version addresses a lot of issues including worm outbreaks, network protection, memory protection, email security and browsing security. The auto update will download SP2 without the knowledge of the user or interfering browsing experience as it utilises about 40% of the bandwidth.

This time around Microsoft may have found a much more destructive way to get rid off Illegal copies of WindowsXp than Service Pack1. Users installing SP1 on illegal copies would simply get a 'This is a pirated copy' error message. But now Microsoft has armed itself with a huge list of illegal CD keys ensuring that SP2 does not install. CORRECTED: It has been rumoured that the boot sector of the OS would be modified rendering the OS unusable.

Along with the release of SP2, Microsoft is offering the update on a CD free of charge for those who cannot download the update.

Microsoft claims that the service pack will represent one of its most broadly tested products to date, with numerous people having tried out the service pack since a beta version was first released in December 2003. Microsoft has warned that Windows XP SP2 could play havoc with existing applications.

ERRATA: Though the story holds true, the following line is an inadvertent error -"but also destroys the computer hard drive by rendering it unusable."
Posted: 2004-07-13 22:20 | [楼 主]
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