本页主题: [教学]禁止wisptis进程 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 嘉宾

精华: 30
发帖: 2139
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source: http://rich.l-ds.co.uk/
更详细的: http://www.turcic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1260
安装过adobe reader 6或者office 2003的用户可能会发现,他们的进程列表(ctrl+shift+esc)中常有一名为wisptis的进程. 这个进程不是系统服务,无法禁用, 一旦运行, 只能通过直接杀进程来结束. 而如果直接删除或更名wisptis.exe, 会引起系统错误或导致打开office程序时提示安装. 这个进程的全名是Windows Ink Services Platform Tablet Input Subsystem, 按TabletPCDeveloper.com的说法,

Wisptis.exe (\Windows\System32) This executable runs as a system
service that provides pen-data collection for other components of the
SDK. When a component needs to interact with the pen (for example, to
collect ink or to detect gestures), this executable is spawned as a
service to communicate directly with the input device. On a Tablet PC,
Wisptis.exe interacts with the digitizer, whereas on a desktop it
interacts with the mouse as well. The executable’s name is an acronym
that references an outdated internal name for the team that developed it
(Windows Ink Services Platform Tablet Input Subsystem).

大部分同志应该不会有tablet pc,所以这个进程纯粹只是占用系统资源
Copy code
rem -- UnRegister MS XP Tablet PC Ink Pen components

@echo off

set sys32=%SystemRoot%\System32

set pfcfink=%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\INK

"%sys32%\WispTis.exe" /unregserver

"%sys32%\regsvr32.exe" /u /s "%sys32%\inked.dll"

"%sys32%\regsvr32.exe" /u /s "%pfcfink%/inkobj.dll"

"%sys32%\regsvr32.exe" /u /s "%pfcfink%/inkdiv.dll"

"%sys32%\regsvr32.exe" /u /s "%pfcfink%/tpcps.dll"

set pfcfink=

set sys32=

Posted: 2004-02-14 09:14 | [楼 主]
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