本页主题: [合并]如何卸载 WinXp sp2 build xxxx 低版本的问题 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

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 [合并]如何卸载 WinXp sp2 build xxxx 低版本的问题

我给WinXp 打上sp2 build2082中文beta补丁后,系统运行正常。
现在要给系统打上sp2 build2096中文beta补丁补丁,可系统却提示要先卸载sp2 build2082中文beta补丁后,才能安装升级。
我尝试用系统还原(没有我安装sp2 build2082中文beta补丁的当天或之前日期),固无法 使用系统还原卸载。

目的要系统能安装升级sp2 build2082中文beta补丁,以及今后SP2正式版!

Posted: 2004-05-04 12:56 | [楼 主]
杀人游戏MVP勋章I 杀人游戏MVP勋章II
级别: 管理员

精华: 52
发帖: 17391
威望: 8729 点
金钱: 7064 静电币
支持度: 20101 点


FAQ for XP SP2, Answers to those common questions.

This is an effort to provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Service Pack 2 for Windows XP.

NOTE: This FAQ is a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know. ;)

Q) What's new in SP2?

For the answer to that question, I defer you to Microsoft's document on the subject.

Q) When will build XXXX be released?

At last check, the following are the expected delivery dates:

RC2 = "Any day now, but by June 7, 2004 at the latest." (previously "May 26, 2004.")
RC3? = (unknown)
RTM = "Q3 2004?" (previously "Late July 2004.")

Q) What languages is build XXXX available in?

For the beta, the only available languages are the following:


Upon its release though, SP2 will be available in all of the usual languages.

Q) How do I slipstream build XXXX?

Prior to build 2120, the process was the same as XP SP1 and it still is for non-VLK copies. For the latter though, look here for 2120's fix and here for 2126's fix.

Q) How can I force build XXXX's installation over a previous SP2 build?

Just go to to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Wndows NT\ in the Windows Registry and delete the keys CSDBuild and CSDVersion, but user beware of the results. Therefore, fully uninstall any previous builds whenever possible.

Q) Where can I download the modified/patched uxtheme.dll for build XXXX?

Just visit vortex's scratch-pad. Then, look here should you need information on how to properly incorporate this new DLL.

source: http://board.iexbeta.com/ibf10/index.php?showtopic=42017

ieXbeta Board - Windows XP SP2 专门讨论区:http://board.iexbeta.com/ibf10/index.php?showforum=36
Posted: 2004-06-06 23:56 | 1 楼
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