最初由 唐僧 发布[B]……有个法国女作家,写了她1930年代在越南与一个非常富有的中国青年交往的故事,字里行间读者能感到的就是中国男人的低贱地位和软弱,她宁愿说自己是妓女也不愿承认对那个男的有感情(这个故事还拍了电影THE LOVER)。…… [/B]
...[S]he wept because she thought of the man from Cholon and suddenly she wasn't sure she hadn't loved him with a love she hadn't seen because it had lost itself in the affair like water in sand and she rediscovered it only now, through this moment of music flung across the sea. As later she had seen the eternity of her younger brother, through death. Duras, The Lover, translated by Barbara Bray, 1998, Random House, Inc., p.114