本页主题: [问题]微软给我的信,好像MSN8.5升级的邮箱过期了 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 骑士

精华: 1
发帖: 140
威望: 93 点
金钱: 766 静电币
支持度: 0 点


收到一封微软的信,我没有看太懂(E文差呀),不过好像是Verizon Online DSL过期了,但是hotmail邮箱大小没变还是25M。我是用Verizon Online DSL8.5升级的

发件人 : Microsoft Online Services <billing@microsoft.com>
Dear Customer,

This mail is confirmation that your subscription to Verizon Online DSL with MSN Premium has been cancelled on Monday, April 12, 2004.

If you have questions about this cancellation or if you would like to re-activate your subscription, contact Customer Support.

Go to https://billing.microsoft.com and click Contact support on the left navigation menu. If you are an Xbox LiveTM subscriber please go to http://www.xbox.com/support.

Thank you for using Microsoft Online Services!

Microsoft Customer Support

Note: Please do not respond to this message. To receive notifications at a different e-mail address, sign in to your account at https://billing.microsoft.com and update your contact information. If you are an Xbox Live subscriber, go to the Xbox Dashboard, select Xbox Live, Account Management, and update your billing information.
Form: 22
Posted: 2004-04-18 13:27 | [楼 主]
级别: 新手上路

精华: 0
发帖: 8
威望: 21 点
金钱: 148 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Posted: 2004-04-19 02:03 | 1 楼
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