本页主题: Spymac 推出1G Free Mail 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 光明使者

精华: 23
发帖: 2845
威望: 625 点
金钱: 10 静电币
支持度: 0 点

 Spymac 推出1G Free Mail

Spymac's free membership includes:

1 GB e-mail account, 350 MB combined storage, personal blog, forum, gallery, auctions and more

Spymac Launches The Internet's First Free 1 Gigabyte Email Service
04/05/2004 00:15 | By The Spymac Team

One gigabyte of storage is available to all Spymac Mail accounts, effective today, Monday April 5, 2004.

Spymac agrees with the staff at Google that a 1 GB e-mail account makes sense. Millions of people rely on easy access to mail and depend on their email service to not indiscriminately delete important mail. Spymac Mail offers several advantages over other free Internet-based email. In addition to the one-gigabyte storage increase, Spymac Mail also offers both POP3 and Webmail access to the email accounts. For those wondering why on earth they would need one gigabyte for POP3 mail, don’t despair; because IMAP mail capabilities are under development and will be available very soon. Spymac Mail does not include keyword scanning for search and has no advertising.

Spymac welcomes email accounts from users 13 years old and up on any operating system. Sign up for your free account today by clicking here.

You can also join the Spymac online Macintosh user group by customizing your profile under the Options button on the top right above, after you've registered.

Posted: 2004-04-06 15:01 | [楼 主]
级别: 贵宾

精华: 3
发帖: 3038
威望: 836 点
金钱: 3075 静电币
支持度: 11 点

 [闲聊]Spymac 推出1G免费邮箱



http://www.spymac.com/user.php?action=register (其实只需要填入用户名密码和现有email地址就可以了,一路OK,然后有一封激活信会送到你的现有email地址,激活后就可以用了。)

1 gb e-mail account
350 mb combined storage, personal blog, forum, gallery, auctions and more



看贴8仔细, 该打
Posted: 2004-04-07 13:36 | 1 楼
级别: 贵宾

精华: 3
发帖: 3038
威望: 836 点
金钱: 3075 静电币
支持度: 11 点


[QUOTE]最初由 唐僧 发布
No valid Userdata detected !
The Username is occupied, please choose another username!
The Emailadress is occupied !!

... please use the 'BACK'-Button of your Browser ...

我挺纳闷的 [/B][/QUOTE]

不过 登陆后现在还没找到偶的MAIL页面
Posted: 2004-04-07 13:49 | 2 楼
级别: 贵宾

精华: 3
发帖: 3038
威望: 836 点
金钱: 3075 静电币
支持度: 11 点


哈哈 找到了 好像有很多东西来着
我复制下来 给U们看看

Greetings, cutebird,

Welcome to Spymac 3! This e-mail contains important information needed to access all the free services that are now included with each Spymac membership.

Your member name is: cutebird


YOU HAVE TO ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT: Before you can use your account, you have to activate it by verfifying your e-mail address. To verify this e-mail address and activite your account, simply click on the below link:

Link: http://www.spymac.com/user.php?action=activate&uid=79966&confirm=VwcEaRCwHw4vtyIDC8fj

If you do not activite your account within two weeks, it will be cancelled.


After activation you can sign in at:


Once signed in, you can edit your personal password and change your profile in the options page located at:

http://www.spymac.com/user.php?action=options (Click on Account Information)

Your account includes:

1 GB e-mail account, cutebird@spymac.com*
250 MB of space to upload pictures in the Spymac Gallery
100 MB free space on Spymac Hosting with WebDAV access*
Free iCal Hosting (both public and private)*
Access to the Spymac Forums and Shoutbox
Your very own Spymac Blog*
Access to the Spymac Auctions
The ability to create your very own personal Gallery and Forum

Mail, Blog, iCal and Free Hosting Details

Spymac Mail -- 1 GB of space and external and web mail access

To access Spymac Mail from your desktop e-mail application, enter the following settings:
Account Type: POP
Member name: cutebird
Password: **********
Incoming Mail Server: mail.spymac.com
Outgoing Mail Server: mail.spymac.com

Spymac Hosting -- 100 MB free and WebDAV access

WebDAV Access:
To access your free hosting space from your desktop using WebDAV technology, enter the following settings:

Server Address: http://cutebird.spymac.net:81
Member name: cutebird
Password: **********

Make sure to upload into the HTML folder on your SpyDisk (the Spymac equivalent of .Mac's iDisk) if you want the information/files to be available via the Web.

Your homepage is located at: http://cutebird.spymac.net/

For more information on WebDAV and how to access it from your Mac OS X desktop, visit:


FTP access:
To access your free hosting space from your desktop via FTP, enter the following settings into your FTP client:

Server: cutebird.spymac.net
Member name: cutebird
Password: *********

Again, your homepage is located at: http://cutebird.spymac.net/

iCal Hosting -- Private and Public Publishing

To publish your iCal calendars:

Base URL: http://cutebird.spymac.net:81/ical
Member name: cutebird
Password: *********

To publish your iCal with password protection:

Base URL: http://cutebird.spymac.net:81/icalprivate
Member name: cutebird
Password: **********

After your iCal is published, view it at: http://cutebird.spymac.net/ical or http://cutebird.spymac.net/icalprivate (in the case of iCals published you wish to keep private.) Login to the password-protected page with your Spymac member name and password.

Spymac Blog -- Simple to use blogging service

To add a blog:

Login to Spymac and visit your Web Manager located at:


Then click New Blog Entry.

You can visit your blog at:


IMPORTANT: You have to fill in some information before some of these services become active. After you're signed into your account, visit your Options at the below link:


After filling in the required infomation, a red check mark will appear under that section's tab.

Let us know if you have any questions and enjoy the new Spymac,

The Spymac team
Posted: 2004-04-07 13:52 | 3 楼
级别: 贵宾

精华: 3
发帖: 3038
威望: 836 点
金钱: 3075 静电币
支持度: 11 点


晕 偶除了那个1GB的信箱
好像看到还有WEB空间 设置了之后 FTP一直登陆不上去
Posted: 2004-04-07 14:05 | 4 楼
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