本页主题: [新奇玩意] Desktop Carnivorous Plant Set(桌面肉食植物园) 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 嘉宾

精华: 4
发帖: 1870
威望: 909 点
金钱: 10 静电币
支持度: 52 点

 [新奇玩意] Desktop Carnivorous Plant Set(桌面肉食植物园)

Little Desktop Of Horrors...

Here at ThinkGeek, we truly understand you have needs. Especially at work where minutes often last hours and hours become days. You need to be entertained, you don't want your neurons to prematurely atrophy. You crave stimulation. You crave a Carnivorous desktop plant set. Perfect for the casual office worker who delights in watching insects slowly meet their makers as they are painfully digested by an engaging variety of meat-sucking flora. Nothing quite like it.

So what's our recommendation? Grab a set and grow your own collection of feared and famous carnivorous plants. This deluxe set has seeds from over ten varieties of carnivorous plants! Watch these fascinating plants grow into bug-eating monsters and delight in creating your own authentic bog with the included peat planting mix, blue Swamp Rocks, three Bog Buddies and full color decals. This rare and unusual collection of carnivorous plants will flourish for years in this specially designed terrarium with proper care...

Each Complete Kit Includes:
Growing Dome
Planting Mixture
Carnivorous Seed Pack:
Venus Fly Trap
Yellow Trumpet
Hooded Pitcher Plant
Purple Pitcher Plant
Pale Trumpet
Temperate Sundew Plants
Cobra Lillies
3 Photo Decals
3 Bog Buddies
Swamp Rocks
Instructions and Information Manual
wh3n a 1itt1e b0y fa11  in l0v3 with a 10v31y 1ady...
Posted: 2005-06-28 18:03 | [楼 主]
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