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级别: 嘉宾

精华: 13
发帖: 2411
威望: 925 点
金钱: 11650 静电币
支持度: 600 点


Artist: Rick DeAguiar

【Artist's Description】

Rick was born in San Francisco, California. He was adopted by two loving parents, Leo and Lorna DeAguiar, and was raised in the little town of Cold Springs, CA. Rick's Mother used to play the organ in the afternoons, and it looked like so much fun to him. So at the age of seven, he asked his mother if she would teach him how to play. She agreed and he was on his way.

Rick's training throughout the years was with private instruction, local teachers and concert organists. Throughout his youth, Rick played the organ and piano for weddings, anniversaries, fairs, queen pageants and local clubs.

When he爀ntered爃is early 20s, he decided to see what it was like to be a part of a band. Rick's very first band was a Top 40 group called 揑CU? It was a great experience for him. He loved the camaraderie and satisfaction that came with playing with a musical group. For most of his 20s and early 30s Rick played in all kinds of bands ?country western, tribute bands, rock-n-roll, and swing, traveling to various parts of the United States and along the way he was introduced to studio recording. Some of the groups that Rick played with were putting together demos and promotion packages and asked him to come along. He helped co-write a few of the songs, which got him thinking about writing his own music.

In his mid 30s, Rick decided to focus on building a small home-studio for himself so he could start writing his own compositions. His dream was to produce and record a CD of his own - well, that dream has finally been realized. Now in his 40s, Rick finds himself becoming more appreciative of the magical and emotional power of music. He feels fortunate to have the opportunity to create and perform music that is truly a part of him.燞is music has been described as inspirational, relaxing and nice to listen to. His songs will take you far away from life's tribulations and help you to unwind at the end of the day.

01 Leaving (4:32)

02 For Tara (3:49)

03 Falling Again (4:12)

04 Take My Hand (3:55)

05 Walking The Tightrope (3:33)

06 Lost Love (4:04)

07 New Day (3:56)

08 Coming Home (2:51)

09 Motion (4:07)
Posted: 2005-06-09 20:00 | [楼 主]
级别: 总版主

精华: 10
发帖: 6047
威望: 4722 点
金钱: 8335 静电币
支持度: 20860 点


Posted: 2005-06-09 21:13 | 1 楼
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