Risking their lives to save another, Lt. Jeffrey Goodman and Lance Cpl.
Jorge Sanchez of the 2nd Tank Battalion drag a wounded civilian to safety
after he was aught in the midst of battle on the road to Baghdad.
With the sunlight obliterated by a late March sandstorm, red and orange
skies creted an eerie and ominous welcome to troops of the 3rd Infantry
Division as they advanced on Al Kifl.
With the sunlight obliterated by a late March sandstorm, red and orange
skies creted an eerie and ominous welcome to troops of the 3rd Infantry
Division as they advanced on Al Kifl.
Caught in crossfire from the 3rd Intantry Division fighting through Northern
Baghdad, a woman huddles in an open ditch with two terrified and bloodstained
An Iraqi soldier's struggle for life is brief, and ultimately doomed after U.S.
soldiers open fire on a truck in northern Baghdad. As flames burn thorugh the
back of his uniform, he rolls out of the vehicle onto his dead companion - only
to die in another burst of gunfire seconds later.
Taking advantage of the calm, Capt. Andy MacLean rests after a night of fierce
fighting near Karbala. Two weeks into the war, quiet moments are seldom felt but
gratefully accepted.
A pained stare, plastic ties and muddy, shoeless feet. In war, everyone is
suspect. After a short firefight in Sayyid Muhammad, these men were rounded up, stripped, interrogated and later released.
Surrounded by the smoke of destroyed Iraqi miliary equipment, Air Force Lt. John
Blocher -- assigned to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team -- saves ammunition by using
a recovered Iraqi-issued AK-47.
Soles on the worn-out civilian shoes of dead Iraqi soldiers tell the story of an
ill-equiped army in a David-and-Goliath batttle for their lives.
Squad leader and Staff Sgt. Lonnie Roberts stands at attention as troops from
the 3rd Brigade Combat Team pay last respects to their fallen comrade, Pvt.
Gregory Huxley, during a memorial for the 19-year-old in Baghdad.