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级别: 骑士

精华: 0
发帖: 127
威望: 44 点
金钱: 386 静电币
支持度: 0 点


winzheng看到的 ,,挖咔咔
Posted: 2005-04-19 20:53 | [楼 主]
级别: 嘉宾

精华: 30
发帖: 2139
威望: 1382 点
金钱: 0 静电币
支持度: 0 点


about 7 years ago when 电脑报 still distributed its accompanying CD-ROM with a dos shell interface, there was once two very hot shareware called Kaleidoscope and Wind Chimes, both developed by a company called Syntrillium. Kaleidoscope is a screensaver like app that turns your monitor into a kaleidoscope, while Wind Chimes is to model a true wind chime in the midi way -- there are even some physical parameters adjustable, such as the speed of wind.

what's exciting is that the two can even interact with each other: kaleidoscope can generate patterns in a rythm corresponding to that of the wind chimes. at those old days, this was truely amazing.

b.t.w, syntrillium is the original developer of the famous cool edit, now known as adobe audition.

the IT world's changing way too fast. have u heard about the alliance of adobe and macromedia? adobe again...
Posted: 2005-04-20 09:22 | 1 楼
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