本页主题: [必看]To all authors who contribute files to themexp.org. 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 贵宾

精华: 14
发帖: 15287
威望: 2803 点
金钱: 6689 静电币
支持度: 4413 点

 [必看]To all authors who contribute files to themexp.org.

First off I apologize if you are receiving this email for the second time - We had a slight glitch in our system the first time we sent this out and I thought it was important enough to send out again just in case you did not receive it.

My name is Steve and as you may or may not know myself and my partner Eric purchased themexp.org towards the end of last year - You may have experienced a few problems with the site between then and the last few weeks while we stabilized the system, but these have all been worked out now - Hopefully you love the new site and functionality as much as we do (And based on visitor comments as much as our visitors like it too).

We already run a number of successful theme related sites and have been doing so for over 5 years - We do a lot of things for our authors that no other file hosting site does, and I just wanted to bring these to your attention.

1) We will host any author's website for free that submits files to us - Including registering a domain for you?Also for free (Although we do not allow file serving from this environment).

2) We currently run a competition for the authors of files on our other sites - The author with the most downloads receives $100 from us, the author with the 2nd most downloads gets $99 and so on through the 80th most popular author. After that the next 20 authors get $20 - That is $5,240 a month in payouts to you the authors.

3) We also run a 'portal' that allows you as an author and/or webmaster to make money when people download files from us through your portal - It is quite a complex thing requiring a more detailed explanation which you can find over at www.filesubmit.com, but basically it is a theme site presented in the look and feel of your site - Like I said, check out filesubmit.com for more info (The themexp.org files are not in the portal at this point in time, but it is our intention to incorporate them - With your permission of course).

If you are interested in any of these things, please email me and I will explain them in more depth.

So, what do we ask of our authors?

Well the number one thing is no direct links to the files on our servers - We are more than happy for you to give out the URL for themexp.org, but direct linking of the files is not allowed - One of the ways we make money on our other sites is to wrap advertising within the file download - If anybody is using a direct link we will be wrapping those files with advertising to recoup the costs, so again, no direct linking - Or at least no complaining when we try to make money from this bandwidth theft.

If you want to take advantage of the above offers, you will need to give us permission to wrap the files that you host with us with our advertising - Our current advertising is all opt-out and nothing is forced on the end user unless they specifically request agree to our terms - I urge you to say yes to allowing us to do this as this will enable us to recoup some of the costs associated with running a site of this size and of course, enable us to pay you folks厖厖厖厖We have been doing this on our other sites for years with minimal complaints

Please respond to this email letting me know if you would like:

1) A FREE domain hosed with us.

2) FREE domain name registration (Assuming you do not already have one)

3) If you would like to be PAID when your files are downloaded.

4) If you would like a portal with us (Again, a way for you to make money with your site).


Steve and Eric
Posted: 2004-03-05 23:06 | [楼 主]
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