本页主题: [新奇玩意] 3D Caffeine Molecule LED Keychain(三维咖啡因分子模型LED钥匙链) 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 嘉宾

精华: 4
发帖: 1870
威望: 909 点
金钱: 10 静电币
支持度: 52 点

 [新奇玩意] 3D Caffeine Molecule LED Keychain(三维咖啡因分子模型LED钥匙链)

Experience Your Favorite Molecule In Three Dimensions!

Price: $12.99

This fine looking custom keychain from ThinkGeek is just what the cardiologist ordered. It's a masterfully laser etched 3D rendition of the caffeine molecule in the middle of a 1.25 x .75 x .5 inch block of plastic. The plastic is then affixed to a blue LED that is turned on/off by rotating the swivel which attaches the keychain to the plastic - lighting up the 3D molecule in the process. What does it all mean? Very simply that if you purchase this keychain you will have the most spiffy, most keen, most hyper keychain on the planet. And if you enjoy caffeine as much as us - you'll be able to spend countless hours staring into your mesmerizing 3D keychain to give thanks to the caffeine molecule gods for their fine contribution to humanity.
wh3n a 1itt1e b0y fa11  in l0v3 with a 10v31y 1ady...
Posted: 2005-07-01 21:42 | [楼 主]
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